WARNING: This is a very long post. Please take your time to read and digest the information provided here. If you are not free to read at this time, do bookmark it and return at a more convenient time. However, you may want to scroll down to take note of the dates and times of activation before it is too late. Thank you!
There were just too many things that Joey Yap taught in his seminar which I could not share here as I did not manage to write them all down! So I will just stick to the most important stuffs that you need to know.
Firstly, these are the two extremely bad sectors that you need to avoid in 2011.
EAST SECTOR - This is the most negative sector of the year. The dreaded Five Yellow flies into this sector causing all types of bad luck, misfortune, loss of wealth and health hazards. If your bedroom is in the East sector of your home, move out!
Does this mean you can ask your maid to move into the room in this sector? By all means, no! If your maid suffers misfortune, don't you think you will be more or less affected by it as well?
The Grand Duke (Tai Sui) also reside in the East sector (more exact is East 2) this year and as such, it is even more important to avoid staying or spending too much time here. Absolutely no renovation, drilling, nailing and ground breaking in this area or face the consequences!
By the way, you don't have to believe anything written here. Feng shui does not need one to believe for it to work. Just do the exact opposite of what is advised in this post and test it out for yourself! Go ahead and do a huge renovation in the East sector of your home this year (anytime from Feb 4th 2011 till Feb 3rd 2012) and let me know what happens in your life.
WEST SECTOR - This sector is afflicted by the Three Killings which will cause accidents, robberies, health problems and other complications! Avoid renovation or ground breaking at this area at all costs!
This West sector (more accurately West 2 sector) is also afflicted by the Year Breaker which effects can be worse than that brought about by The Grand Duke! If possible, move out if your bedroom is located in this sector.
Talking about the Grand Duke (Tai Sui), it is important that you do not face the East when working or negotiating with others. Yes, please carry your compass or iPhone (which contains a compass - how nice!) around so you know you are not facing East when doing negotiations or you will surely lose!
Instead, putting your back to the Grand Duke (ie. facing West) will help you have greater support and let the other party face East instead. In this way, you almost surely have the upper hand! Haha!
As for the Three Killings, it is important to face it head on, in other words, face West! Never allow the Three Killings to be behind you (ie. you facing East) or you will suffer the consequences! All the more important that everyone must take note to face West and not East this year!
Now, since East is the worst sector this year, what would you do if your front door is in this sector? Or worse, your front door faces East? Well, Joey Yap advised that you should manipulate the space in the front door area by having a partition or wall to block the incoming energy so that when you enter the door, you either have to turn right to SouthEast sector or turn left to NorthEast sector. This is how you can turn bad energy into good energy!

Flying Star Chart 2011 courtesy of wofs.com
So what are the good sectors in 2011? They are as follows:
NORTHWEST - Auspicious wealth luck and good prospects for career advancement reside here! If your main door faces the NorthWest, you will have good fortune in 2011! Having your bedroom or study room in this sector is also very good.
To activate the good energy in the Northwest, simply use this sector as often as you can! If there are windows and doors here, open them to let the good energy in!
Now here's a joke from Joey Yap that kept us in stitches! What happens if your maid's bedroom is in this sector? Your maid will get all the good luck instead of you! So how? Well, you have two choices - either you get your maid to move out of the room or you move in with the maid! Haha!!
Since NorthWest is such an auspicious sector, what happens if you have a toilet here? According to feng shui master Lillian Too, this will be very unfortunate as all your wealth will flush away! However, Joey Yap has a different opinion. This is what he said - if the toilet is in the wealth sector, use it more often to activate the energy there!! Haha!
Nowadays, a lot of houses are not built in a rectangular form. Some houses (example L shape houses as shown below) have missing corners. So what happens if your house's NorthWest sector is missing?

Image courtesy of Dream Green Homes
According to Joey Yap, this is not good and you cannot rectify it by placing mirrors on the outside walls like what some other feng shui masters recommend. The only option you can try is to activate other good sectors instead.
So here's a very important tip for house buyers - always buy houses without missing corners. During the years where the bad sector is located at the missing corner, it is good for you, but during those years when the wealth sector is at the missing corner, then you will be missing all the wealth!
If you have a retail store, placing your cashier in the NorthWest sector will help your business a lot!
Likewise, if you are working for someone, it is good to work in the NorthWest sector of your office or workplace.
SOUTHEAST - Staying in the SouthEast sector will increase your capabilities, and attract more income to you! Those who want to move up the corporate ladder, increase support from bosses and improve your network of helpful work acquaintances should spend more time in this sector. You can also activate this sector using water element. Joey Yap advised that the water must be substantial in size, and exposed, not covered.
NORTHEAST - Activating this sector will attract noble, helpful people into your life. For people without goals in life, activating this sector will actually bring noble people to inspire you! Having a study room or bedroom or even dining room in the NorthEast is excellent this year!
By the way, if you activate both the NorthEast and SouthEast sectors, you will get recognition in your career!
SOUTHWEST - This is the peach blossom sector, so activating this area will increase your chances of finding a good life partner! However, it also increases your likeability, so for people in marketing, activating your SouthWest sector will be good for you!
Now, here's a summary of what to expect in 2011, the year of the Metal Rabbit.
Water element industries such as transportation, tourism, sales and fast moving consumer goods will fare well in this year.
Fire element industries such as IT and telecommunication, petrochemicals, airlines and mass media will also do favorably well and can expect a stable outlook this year. Oil prices is expected to rise slowly and steadily.
The property industry, being an Earth element, can expect the market to slow down a little this year. Therefore, it is advisable to be a little conservative when it comes to property investment. Invest for the long term and not for short monetary gains. For equity, cash out as soon as you gain. In currency investment, do not invest in yuan (China currency).
Public spending and consumption is expected to increase this year.

2011 Bazi Chart courtesy of BaziBuzz
With Metal chopping Wood as seen in the 2011 Bazi Chart above, this seems to signify medical malpractices and operation gone wrong. Surely not a good year to go for operation!
There will be an increase in abortion cases. Adultery cases will also be on the rise.
In the political scene, there will be betrayal and lots of problems and annoying issues brewing.
China will curb the increase in real estate prices and prevent a recession, which is actually good news. However, USA and China will not be having a very good year in terms of relationship with each other.
Japan and Taiwan are deemed two very good countries to invest in as they both have wealth elements in the charts.
Other interesting things that may happen in 2011 according to Joey Yap are as follows - bird flu will make a comeback, there will be an increase of cases where people kill their new born children, and homosexuality news will increase (perhaps more people will be coming out of their closets!)
Now we come to the most important part of this post, that is the dates and times to activate the good stars! Before that, you have to make sure you know the exact location in your house to activate the stars.
Follow this step-by-step way to find out the exact location and sectors ....
1. Stand in the middle of your house. Use your house plan to roughly pinpoint the centre location.
2. Using a compass positioned in front of you at waist level, find out the North direction.
3. Print out this diagram below and superimpose it onto your house plan, taking care where is the exact North direction. (Notice that each direction is subdivided into 3 sectors eg. North direction has North1, North2 and North3. The exact North is 0 degrees, which is at the middle of North 2)

4. Mark in your house plan the exact locations where you need to activate (refer to the notes given below) and activate them at the time recommended. That's it!
So how do you activate the sectors? You can move large furnitures around, drill the wall and hang paintings, repaint the room, play loud music, renovate or if you are religious, do chanting.
Take note that several dates are given in case you miss the earlier dates. However, some dates are better than others and it will be mentioned as BEST DATE or BEST TIME.
Certain animal signs in your Bazi Chart may not benefit and they will be mentioned under EXCEPT. That means if Rooster is mentioned, and you have a Rooster in your Bazi Chart, you cannot activate on that particular date. Choose an alternative date.
To know your Bazi Chart, click HERE. (For info on Bazi Chart, read Part 1)
RECEIVING GOD OF WEALTH (activating Star Of Wealth)
Date: February 3rd, 2011
Time: 3am - 4.59am (BEST TIME)
Sector: South
Alternative Time: 12.30am and 6am
NOBILITY (attract helpful people)
Date: February 3rd, 2011
Time: 3am - 4.59am
Sector: SouthWest
HAPPINESS (inspire feeling of happiness)
Date: February 3rd, 2011
Time: 3am - 4.59am
Sector: NorthEast
Note: If you want to attract wealth, noble people and happiness into your life, might as well activate all 3 sectors ie. South, SouthWest and NorthEast at the same time between 3am - 4.59am!
*3 dates provided
Date: February 20th, 2011
Time: 11am - 12.59pm or 3pm - 4.59pm
Sector: NorthWest 1 or SouthEast 1
Except: Rat
Date: March 21st, 2011
Time: 11pm - 12.59am
Sector: NorthWest 1 or SouthEast 1
Except: Snake
Date: July 10th, 2011
Time: 1pm - 2.59pm
Sector: NorthWest 1, SourthEast 1 or South 2
Except: Monkey
*2 dates provided
Date: April 2nd, 2011
Time: 9am - 10.59am
Sector: SouthWest 2
Except: Snake
Date: July 23rd, 2011
Time: 11am 12.59pm
Sector: SouthWest 2
Except: Rooster
*2 dates provided
Date: March 18th, 2011
Time: 9am - 10.59am
Sector: South 2
Except: Tiger
Date: May 2nd, 2011
Time: 11am - 12.59pm
Sector: South 2
Except: Pig
Note for pigs: Avoid commencing any activities on 2nd May 2011 as it is inauspicious. However, this rule is an exception for those who want to begin their diet (to lose weight) on that same date!
Date: April 12th, 2011
Time: 9am - 10.59am
Sector: NorthWest 1, SouthEast 1 or South 2
Note: Do ritual prayers at any one of the sectors.
Date: February 8th, 2011 (Best Date & Time)
Time: 5am - 6.59am
Except: Rat
Date: February 8th, 2011
Time: 1pm - 2.59pm
Except: Rat
Date: February 11th, 2011
Time: 11am - 12.59pm
Except: Rabbit
Date: February 14th, 2011
Time: 3am - 4.59am
Except: Horse
Avoid starting work on February 7th, 2011 (5th day of Chinese New Year) as it is a bad day.
WORST DATES OF THE YEAR (must avoid doing anything important or starting any new venture!!)
Date: March 7th, 2011
Time: 5am - 7am
Date: June 26th, 2011
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Note: These dates are however suitable for those who are already having a year of bad luck and they want to end all their bad luck and restart anew.