Which of the 3 movies do you think I enjoyed most?
Well, let me describe what I think of them one by one. I shall start with "Halloween". This is a remake of the original 1978 “Halloween” film directed by John Carpenter who also directed one of my favourite movies, “The Thing”.

I like a good slasher movie and since the original “Halloween” was such a classic and I have never watched it before, I thought watching the remake would be the next best thing. Since I did not watch the original, I could not do a comparison. But if I had expected it to be as entertaining as “I Know What You Did Last Summer” I was completely wrong!
Well, it was violent all right, but that’s about it! There’s really no plot, just endless killings by a mad man by the name of Michael Myers. What I find a bit hard to believe is how Michael was shot three times and still survived and even had the strength to continue his killing rampage. The movie made him inhuman, more like a monster. But the fact is he’s just a mad man and three shots should have killed him!
I had high expectation of “Eagle Eye” starring the upcoming young actor, Shia LaBeouf. It was fast action from the beginning till the end. So I must have enjoyed it a lot, didn’t I? Well, surprisingly no.
To say that this movie is stretching it too far is an understatement. I find the story filled with so many impossibilities I just lost interest halfway through the show. It’s too much to ask me to believe that there’s this computer that could control every mobile phones, every security camera, every traffic lights and to top it off, could give precise driving instructions and control movement of cranes in junkyards.
Well, if you can suspend your disbelief and just watch this for the action, you may just enjoy it. As for me, I already lost interest halfway and did not even care whether the hero or heroine dies!
By now, you would have probably guessed that of the 3 movies, I enjoyed “Money No Enough 2” most. Yes, that’s right! A Singaporean movie just trumped two US movies.

This movie’s central theme is about filial piety and how money is not everything in the world. It also touched on Singaporeans’ dissatisfaction with their Government which was quite interesting.
This is the first time I see a movie with so much tears flowing from my eyes, not just from crying but from laughing! It's very entertaining and touching at the same time. Jack Neo, the director, is definitely a genius!
Henry Thia, the comedian actor made me laugh all the time! It's so funny in one court scene when he was asked his IC number and he could not speak out in English but when allowed to say in Hokkien, he shot the numbers out within 1 second.
Another funny scene was when Lai Meng who played the mother asked if he had eaten but she asked so many times (I can't remember how many times) I laughed until my tears rolled out!
And of course the songs that were sung during those sad moments really pulled at the heart strings. It was really, really touching and I don't care if you are a man or a woman, if you did not cry during those scenes, you must be a very cold blooded person! Either that, or you must be sleeping during those scenes!
By the way, did you know that fellow blogger QuaChee had a small part in the show? But it would be hard to spot him because he’s among a group of people in a crowd. Read about it in his blog here.
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