The first type do household chores. The second type don't.
So which type are you?
Well, not sure if I am supposed to be proud or not, but I belong to the first type. Now isn't that a surprise to most of you since men usually don't do household chores? Or at least that's what I've been led to believe. Real men don't do chores, do they? In fact, most men find that chores are, well, a chore!
But you know what? I think ladies are not that much different. I think they find household chores boring! No? Oh, come on, admit it, ladies! Otherwise, why would you bother to pressure your partner or your other half to share all the housework?
Now those of you who are fortunate enough not to do any household chores must be laughing at me. Well, laugh all you want! It's not that I can't afford a maid or a servant to do all those chores. I choose not to employ them.
Now did I hear some sniggers?
OK, OK. I admit. I can't afford to employ them to clean my house. But that's not the main reason why I don't employ maids or servants. The major reason is that I don't think they can do the job as good as me! Call me fussy or whatever! But if you can't satisfy me, then I don't feel like paying you! Oh, this doesn't sound right, does it?
Ok, let me just rephrase that! What I'm trying to say is, if you can't clean the house the way I want it to be cleaned, then I don't feel it is worth my money paying you to do the job!
Might as well I clean it myself, right?
The last time I got an Indian lady to scrub my toilet, she broke a few of my toilet tiles! Goodness, was she Superwoman in disguise or what!
And I wouldn't dream of getting an Indonesian maid! My sister's first Indonesian maid did not know how to hold the broom and turn the tap and my sister had to teach her! Can you believe it?
Her second maid almost committed suicide in her house and that was a major scare for her!
Her third one irritated her so much that she finally decided to live without a maid! So no Indonesian maid for me, thank you!
But doing all these chores myself are tiring and awfully time consuming! And for those of you who have never done any household chores before and are living like princes or princesses, let me give you the low down on the types of household chores that exist in my part of the world.
1. sweep floor
2. mop floor
3. wipe windows
4. wipe ceiling fans
5. wash bathroom
6. wash clothes
7. dry clothes
8. iron clothes
9. wash dishes
10. dust tables and chairs and shelves
There may be other chores, but these are the main ones. Of all these chores, I hate washing the bathroom the most! Yet, in my house, I am known as the "Toilet Cleaner". Yes, that means I am solely responsible for making sure the toilets in my house are always clean and spotless.

Comics courtesy of Mark Stivers
That's a tough job as I have three toilets in my house! I am seriously considering locking up one of the toilets! Less work for me, haha!
I don't mind washing clothes because all you need to do is just dump the whole lot into the washing machine, right? Wrong! To me, I need to scrub that collar part of a shirt because somehow the washing machine can't do the job of removing sweat stains from the collars! I really think they should come out with more intelligent washing machines. But luckily, washing clothes is not part of my job. It's my brother's. Haha!
Washing clothes is one thing, but I really think ironing clothes is worse. It has to be one of the most tiring and irritating chores! I simply hate to iron clothes! I think I will just wear wrinkle free shirts and T shirts from now on!

I used to mop the floor every 2-3 days. Now you'll be lucky to find me mop the floor once a week. No wonder my mom keeps complaining nowadays! Maybe I should get that robot to help me clean the floor. You know, that cute round machine that cleans your floor as it runs around on its own? Wonder how effective is that robot?

But you know what? Even though I detest household chores, I have a strange liking to one chore. Want to know which one? Call me insane or whatever, but I love washing the dishes! Yes, you read that right! Don't ask me to cook, but wash the dishes? Give it to me, baby!
I really don't know why but I like to see the bowls and plates squeaky clean. Maybe I am abnormal, but it's been like this since I was small. Washing the dishes makes me happy.

But wait. That does not mean not washing the dishes will make me unhappy. That's an entirely different thing altogether. To clear this up, let me just say that I prefer not having to wash the dishes, but if I have to, it's perfectly fine!
So anyone want to invite me to your house and cook a nice meal for me? In return I will wash the dishes for you! Sounds like a good deal, no?
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