2. Last night, I had the WORST asam laksa noodles for dinner in my entire life! Guess where did I eat? OK, let me tell you. It's at OldTown White Coffee. I won't mention which outlet but it was really, really horrible! I could only find one thin slice of shredded fish in it! What kind of asam laksa is that?
3. Do you want to know my latest hobby? OK, it's not really my latest cos I have been at it for years! Haha! I am talking about afternoon naps! I love taking short power naps and I call it Panda Power Nap or PPN for short. Why panda? Go figure! Do you take PPN? : )
4. OK, some people will say taking naps are only for lazy people. If that is so, then Bill Clinton, Leonardo da Vinci and Thomas Edison are lazy people! I am so privileged to be in this list of famous people. Hmm, wonder if Obama is in this list as well?
5.You want to know the benefits of taking power naps? And the difference between nano-nap, micro-nap, mini-nap and power-nap? Read HERE
6. Of course, not everyone can afford to take power naps, especially if you work in the office. Really, all offices should have a room just for people to take 20 minutes power naps! Look, it can increase productivity as you will feel more alert after a nap and can focus better. Of course, employers are strictly against this since they know most of their employees are either busy blogging, tweeting, msn-ing, or facebooking instead of working! Haha!
7. Want to know 5 ways to change your IP address? Watch this video.
8. Recently, I had so much fun irritating people with my Vuvuzela! If you don't know what a Vuvuzela is, obviously you have not been following the FIFA World Cup that is going on now. Here's a picture of a man blowing the Vuvuzela.

Oh no! I did not buy a real Vuvuzela! Just downloaded the app on my iPhone and started blowing it to annoy people especially those who hated the noise made by this trumpet-lookalike instrument. Haha!
9. I was laughing and laughing when I saw these photos of Lady Gaga on those super duper high platform shoes and she stumbled and fell on her face at of all places, the airport! So bloody funny!

Well, that's over-the-top Lady Gaga for you!
Hope you had enjoyed reading my Random Notes today! Have a great weekend! : )
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