Happy Merdeka to all my Malaysian readers, bloggers and friends!!!
Since today we are celebrating our 53rd Independence Day, I am coming out with a Top 10 Reasons why I love our beloved country Malaysia!! Let's begin, shall we?
1. Malaysia's weather is hot and humid all year round. Although this may be uncomfortable, the humidity is good for our skin and helps all of us look younger!
2. Malaysia has some of the best food in the world. Think nasi lemak, char koay teow, roti canai, teh tarik, cendol, satay, chicken rice, keropok lekor, bak kut teh, etc. etc!
3. Malaysia is home to some of the best variety of fruits in the world! Where else can you get durians, mangoes, papayas, pineapples, tarap, mangosteens, dragonfruits, rambutans, guavas and bananas in one place?
4. Malaysia is free from major natural disasters! We do not have earthquakes, volcano eruptions, typhoons, twisters and blizzards!
5. Malaysia has some of the best beaches in the world. Think Sipadan, Perhentian, Tioman, Redang and Manukan!
6. Malaysians are generally peace loving and all three major races live in harmony here! It's only the politicians who are trying to spoil it all for us!
7. Malaysians love to eat and we have 24-hour eateries! The only downside to this is we are getting fatter and fatter!
8. Malaysia has the tallest Twin Towers in the world! It's also the most beautiful Twin Towers!
9. Malaysians are generally warm and friendly. In fact, we are in the Top 10 most tourism friendly countries in the world!
10. Malaysia is among one of the countries in the world with the most public holidays. Now I like that a lot! Haha!

Sunrise in Redang Island
Although Malaysia is not perfect, and no country in the world is, I still think the positive aspects of Malaysia far outweigh the negatives. So let us focus on the positives, shall we?
The grass is not always greener on the other side. Let's appreciate our beloved Malaysia.
Thank you Malaysia for being such a wonderful and beautiful country. You are indeed my home sweet home, my Heaven on Earth! Happy Merdeka Day!! : )
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