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2. I was however not entirely surprised by his death. Ever since I saw Steve Jobs appearing in public a few years ago looking painfully thinner than his normal healthy self, I somehow knew that his days were numbered. It happened to my late brother-in-law too - He got thinner and thinner as his cancer progressed. It was devastating.

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3. Steve Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer way back in 2004. The chances of surviving this cancer is rather slim. Most patients with the aggressive form of this cancer survived between 6 to 18 months at most like what happened to the late actor Patrick Swayze. A minority however survived up to 5 years. But Steve's cancer was not of the aggressive kind. Also, he did not do chemotherapy which could have weaken his body. That could explain why he survived for a remarkable seven years!

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4. Steve did a liver transplant in 2009 which was kind of surprising because he did not have liver problem. It would appear that the cancer in his pancreas had spread to his liver. This was most unfortunate because by doing the liver transplant, Steve had to take in large doses of immune-suppressing drugs so that his body would not reject his new liver. However, suppressing his immune system was the last thing he needed as immune cells were critical to fight the cancer cells in his body. Oh well, you can't win it all...

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5. Did you know there was a conspiracy theory surrounding Steve Jobs' time of death? It was said that he could have died before or on the same day the new iPhone 4S was being revealed on October 4, 2011. It seemed that they hid the news of his death from the world so that the new iPhone would get decent press coverage first. I seldom believe in conspiracy theories, and no disrespect here, but who knows?

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6. Despite the disappointments among Apple fans regarding the new iPhone 4S (most were expecting an iPhone 5), the pre-orders for iPhone 4S had broken the record with more than 1 million units snatched up within the first 24 hours - effectively making it the most successful iPhone launch to date by Apple.

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7. Good bye, Steve! You will be missed! RIP.
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