It’s 20112011
20th November 2011. A Double Match.
It happens only once in a lifetime! You’ll never get such a number again. So I guess I would like to wish everyone a wonderful day!
If you feel a sense of deja vu reading this, that's because I posted a similar post with the exact same wordings (except for the numbers) last year. Read it HERE.
Last year, the special day was on 20th October. That gave us 20102010.
So next year it will be 20th December which gives us 20122012.
While everyone was obsessed with the number 111111 on the 11th November 2011, I was more attracted to this date 20112011. The number 111111 may sound special but according to feng shui, there is really nothing significant about this date.There were many couples who chose this date to get married, but feng shui expert Joey Yap had tweeted that it was actually not a very good day to do so! Oh well, hopefully all the couples who got married on that day would live happily ever after and not follow the trend set by Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries! LOL! OK just kidding there!

Kim & Kris image courtesy of
Errr...don't you think Kris is too tall for Kim?
There were also many babies being born on 111111. Now that's really something cos I bet the parents would have no problem remembering their child's birthday!
Anyway, I do not consider 111111 very special as it will occur again on the 11th November 2111, which is 100 years later. Whereas 20112011 will never ever occur again anytime in the future!
Since we are talking about dates, here are some important dates coming up. Do take note of them, even if some of the dates do not concern you. *hint hint*
Dec 1st 2011- My birthday!
Dec 25th 2011- Merry Xmas! Best time of the year!
Jan 1st 2012- Happy New Year 2012!! Will this be the final year for humankind? Personally, I don't think so!
Jan 23rd & 24th 2012- Gong Xi Fa Cai! Happy Chinese New Year Of The Dragon!
Feb 1st 2012 - Federal Territory Day. PJ will get jammed badly as many KL-lites throng PJ streets and malls.
Feb 4th 2012 - The day your feng shui changes so be prepared for it!!
Feb 7th 2012 - Thaipusam Day
Feb 14th 2012 - Valentine's Day
Mar 11th 2012 - My Very First Blog's 4th anniversary! Started way back on this day and month in 2008, I have come a long way in the world of blogging! I am still loving it as blogging is my passion. And I hope to continue blogging for many, many more years to come, perhaps for life!
Apr 1st 2012 - Don't be the fool on this April Fool's Day!
Apr 30th 2012 - Last day to submit your personal income tax if you are an employee.
May 1st 2012 - Labour Day. Yay!!
May 5th 2012 - Wesak Day
July 8th - Launching of iPhone 5! This time it comes with the incredible "Beam me up Scotty" feature that will render airlines and air travel obsolete! Just kidding!
Aug 19th & 20th 2012 - Hari Raya Puasa. Yay! Will be purposely driving around KL.
Aug 30th 2012 - Hungry Ghost Day. Be careful not to roam the streets at night during Hungry Ghost month from Aug 17th till Sept 15th.
Aug 31st 2012 - National Day. Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
Sept 16th 2012 - Malaysia Day. Holiday! Holiday! Holiday!
Sept 30th 2012 - Mooncake Festival. Please donate me some durian mooncakes! Thank you.
Oct 26th 2012 - Hari Raya Haji
Nov 7th 2012 - My 3rd anniversary with Twitter! Created a Twitter account on this day and month in 2009, I have no regrets about joining Twitter and I'm loving it more and more! Come follow me on Twitter if you have not already!
Nov 13th 2012 - Deepavali
Nov 15th 2012 - Awal Muharam
Dec 1st 2012 - My birthday again!! *hint hint*
Dec 20th - It's 20122012! Awesome!
Dec 25th - Xmas Day. Merry Xmas!!
Dec 31st - Wow! We survived the Doomsday prediction! Let's celebrate!!!
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