In Part 1, I asked you, my dear readers to guess the countries that the 6 United Buddy Bears represent. Many of you came up with partially correct answers and some of you managed to answer all correctly.
The correct answer is as follows...
Bear#1 - Argentina
Bear#2 - Congo Republic
Bear#3 - Denmark
Bear#4 - Spain
Bear#5 - Malaysia
Bear#6 - Philippines
However, the first person who replied with an all-correct answer is SK. Congratulations! You've won yourself an Xmas Compilation CD!
Thanks to all of you who had taken the effort to participate. I hope you had some fun figuring out the answers! Did any of you went all the way to Pavilion KL to find the answers or did you just googled them up? : )
By the way, do you like the Buddy Bear that represents Malaysia? It was painted by our very own local artist A. Rahim Muda or more popularly known as Imuda.
The United Buddy Bears are actually an international art exhibition that started in Berlin way back in 2002. Since then, it had toured round the world and had reached Malaysia in December 2011. The more than 140 life-sized fibreglass bears would be on display outside Pavilion KL until 15th February, 2012.
The United Buddy Bears were created to promote peace and understanding among all nations regardless of race, culture and religion.
Since the first exhibition in Berlin, more than 25 million visitors had been able to admire the United Buddy Bears.
Each bear represents a nation recognized by the United Nations. The bears stand for the people of different countries and cultures but not for their political systems.
I had a fun time admiring the bears and taking photos of them. Although none of them was as cute as a panda bear, they were just so colourful and interesting to look at!
Some of the paintings on the bears are like works of art! Look at this one from Congo Democratic Republic.
Can you see the face drawn on the body of the bear? Here's the image of the face magnified.
This bear that represents El Salvador is another good example of amazing art.
The beautifully painted face of half man and half tiger is simply awesome!
This bear that represents Ukraine is no less amazing.
I love the beautiful paintings on it!
When I was at Pavilion, I saw many people crowding around a particular bear. I went over to see what was so special about it. This bear that attracted the crowd represents France.
What really attracted the crowds was the intricate carvings! Can you see the Eiffel Tower of Paris?
My favourite bear has got to be this one that represents Czech Republic! Notice it is carrying two small animals on its hands.
On the bear's right hand is a miniature bear!
And on its left hand is a ....... I'm not sure what this animal is. What do you think it is?
No prize for guessing which country the bear below represents.
Yes, the country which have the Statue of Liberty - United States of America!
Oh, I also bumped into Albert Einstein! I mean a bear that has an Eisntein image on it. What has Eisntein got to do with the Buddy Bears?
Well, there's a famous Einstein quote inscribed on the body of the bear. It reads "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding". How apt.
Look at the cute expression on this bear's face.
If not mistaken, there were altogether 143 United Buddy Bears on display. Initially, I wanted to take pictures of each of the 143 bears but I guess I gave up in the end. There were just too many of them!
Anyway, these are some of the bears I managed to capture in my camera. Hopefully, this post is not taking too long to load! Haha!
Australia, Bahamas, Bangladesh
Barbados, Bosnia Herzegovina, Belarus
Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia
Bulgaria, Cuba, Cyprus
Canada, Brazil, Chile
Central African Republic, Vietnam, Cambodia
Germany, China, Uzbekistan
Qatar, Uruguay, Ethiopia
Finland, Georgia, Guatemala
Guinea, Croatia, Egypt
Haiti, Honduras, Hungary
India, Indonesia, Iran
Japan, Jordan, Italy
Kazakhstan, Israel, Ireland
Iraq, Kenya, Liberia
Kyrgyzstan, Korea Republic, Luxembourg
Mali, Korea Democratic People's Republic, Niger
Moldova, New Zealand, Myanmar
Mexico, Panama, United Arab Emirates
Thailand, Seychelles, Sierra Leone
Togo, Tanzania, Poland
Slovenia, Namibia, Slovakia
Singapore, South Africa, Turkey
Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, Syria
United Kingdom, Tunisia, Sweden
So which is your favourite United Buddy Bear?
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