Often times, when we are asked our age, we tend to feel uncomfortable. This is especially so for ladies who will do anything to hide their real age.
So to save you the trouble, I am not going to ask your age.
Instead, I'm going to ask you to tell me which generation you are from. From the picture above, you can see the different generations and which category you are in. Now I really do not know who invented these terms but a search on Google revealed different definition for each generations.
Some say Generation X are those born between 1965 and 1980, while others say it's between 1961 and 1981. Still others say it's those born between 1965 and 1975. It was confusing, so I just gave up and stick to this one.
If you look at the picture above, there is no name given to those who were born after 1989. So I guess if you are one of them, you must be Generation Z!
Now here's a short description or characteristics prominent in each generation.
Baby Boomers - Beatlemania, television is the craze, transistor radio is a must-have.
Generation X - Don't respect parents, sex before marriage, don't believe in God.
Generation Y - Status seekers, "all about me" self importance, peer oriented, seeking instant gratification, internet savvy, embrace YouTube & social networking sites.
Generation Z - Single parent, same-sex family, equality of the sexes, addicted to and highly dependent on digital technology
I'm just wondering ...which category do people who like to blog fall under?
Anyway, I am a proud Gen X! That does not mean I don't respect my parents, or have sex before marriage or don't believe in God.
What about you?
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