How very disgusting! I know I am Chinese, but I don’t eat such things!
However, there is a restaurant in Beijing, China that begs to differ. Fancy an exclusive restaurant that have a reputation for penises on their main menu? Welcome to Guolizhuang Restaurant, a place where almost every dish has a dick in it!
This is not a restaurant for the faint-hearted, so you may want to stop reading here. Animal lovers may take offence with this and I sincerely apologize.
According to Chinese traditional medicine, you are what you eat. If you want to be smart, eat pig's brain. If you want to strengthen your liver, eat goat's liver. Something like that, although it sounds really crappy to me!
How can eating a pig's brain makes one smarter is beyond me. Pigs are stupider than humans, right? Well, I could be wrong, you know.
Now apply this same logic (or non-logic) and you can see why lots of Chinese men go to Guolizhuang Restaurant! I don't think you need me to explain further, do you? Apparently, they can go for hours after a sizable meal at this restaurant!
It's no wonder that this restaurant is taking off well. Already, they have four franchises in Beijing alone, and they are even expanding to USA in the Chinatown area in Atlanta, Georgia.
Taking a look at their menu, you will see a broad introduction to the medicinal benefits of eating animal penises and testicles.

This is a photo of ox penises which are cut along the sides and shaped into little stars.

This is a photo of the yak penis served with a dragon carvings. In the Guolizhuang restaurant there are more than 30 different animal penises on the menu. And they have even more for very special guests! It seems that most of the patrons are rich, wealthy businessmen.

'Henry's whip' is the house speciality. It's actually a sheep's penis on a stick covered in mayonnaise, sweet cheese, served on a bed of lettuce. Yucks!

A platter of ox and dog penises. The consistency and taste may remind one of overly bitter rings of calamari. I don't know about you, but it sure don't look appetising to me!

You may be wondering if only men eat these stuffs. Well, for your information, women can dine at this restaurant too. They are even encouraged to eat the penises as they are supposed to be good for the skin! But it is not advisable for women to eat testicles as the hormones in the testicles could give them a deeper voice and a beard! Ouch!

Here's a photo of donkey penis served on a bed of lettuce. For the Chinese, eating the sexual organs are not a test of courage but rather a treatment for the libido. Apparently, eating all these sexual organs is far better than taking Viagra, and safer too.

Customers can even order deer and sheep foetuses at this restaurant. There is a Chinese saying that the Chinese eats everything that has four legs except tables, and everything that flies except airplanes. Come to think of it, I don't think that's a joke anymore!

If you want to know more (and I'm not encouraging you to visit the restaurant!) check out this write-up on Spiegel Online International. In fact, all the photos above were taken from the same site.
And if you want to know how the penises taste like (without visiting the restaurant!) you can read this personal review on Beijing China Guide.
Now you've got to excuse me, cos I gotta go puke....!!
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