Luckily I don’t know anyone by the name Star. Though I’m sure you all would have heard of the fictitious character called Brenda Starr.
People have such funny names nowadays! I am sure you have heard of names like April, May and June, but have you heard of the someone who combined two months and called herself MayJune? Yes, there really is such a person. She’s a personality on Malaysian TV.
Then there are people whose name reminds me of fruits. Like Apple. That would surely gives "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" a whole new twist!
Or Orange. What if someone tells me “I love orange!” Does he mean he loves the fruit, the colour or the person? Pretty confusing, no?
I have a friend who calls herself Lemon. What if I am with her friend and say, “I’ll love to have lemon today”. What will her friend think of me?
I read somewhere the other day someone called Durian! I quickly took a look at his photo, half expecting to see spikes coming out of his head!
Anyway, today’s post is not really about names. As usual, I tend to sidetrack into another topic. Haha! What I really wanted to blog about today is the moon. Yes the moon! The perigee moon, to be exact.
The what?
OK, OK, I understand most of you don't know about the perigee moon, unless you heard about it in the news or you read about it in Happysurfer’s blog. In fact, it was Happysurfer who invited me to visit her blog to learn about it.
So, if you want to know what the heck perigee moon means, just visit her blog here. 'Cos I know as much about it as The Man In The Moon!
All I know is this happens only once in a blue moon. You surely can’t find the moon as big or as bright as this on any other day.
I even took a photo of the moon that night.
Well, I was not exactly over the moon when I took the photo because it was really nothing compared to the moons sighted in other countries!
However, when I told my family members that the moon that night was bigger and brighter, they laughed at me and said it’s all moonshine!
Well, talking about the moon, I sometimes wonder how some bloggers are so free to come up with a new post almost every day. Take the case of TZ – he seems to have a new post up almost daily. Come to think of it, he must be honeymooning now. Probably that's why he's so free!
When I said honeymooning, I don’t mean the honeymoon my friend is currently having in Australia after his wedding last week! He must be having a great time there! Makes me feel like going to Australia too. But looking at my bank account, I am afraid it’s a little tight for that at the moment. Unless of course, I do some moonlighting. Mind you, it’s nothing illegal or anything of that sort! But of course you can go ahead and cast beyond the moon all you want!
Well, maybe I shouldn’t shoot for the moon, and just settle for some places closer to home. Local places like Langkawi or Kota Kinabalu would be fine. Hmm, that's really something to moon over.
Now, if you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, feel free to refer to Moon Words and Phrases : )
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