So you think it's all crappy nonsense?
So you have tried my Feng Shui Test and did not see any results?
If you have read my post on feng shui, you would know that I had asked all you sceptics to do the exact opposite of what you are supposed to do in terms of good feng shui. That means, if sleeping with your head pointed to the East is bad for you, then you purposely sleep in this direction for a week or more. When you start to experience bad luck or bad events in your life, you quickly switch back to practising good feng shui to reverse the effects. Which simply means, if North is your good direction, then start sleeping with your head pointed to this direction.
Now, there may be some of you who tried the test and did not experience anything unlucky or bad. Perhaps the effects were not strong enough. And probably that's why you did not even notice anything bad happening to you.
Well, I've some good news for you.
Today, I'm going to introduce you to another test, a more powerful one which I shall call The Ultimate Feng Shui Test.
I got this idea after attending Lillian Too's Feng Shui Extravaganza on 11th January 2009 held at the KL Convention Centre.
There are currently two famous feng shui practitioners in Malaysia. Both command their own followers and legions of fans. Both are also famous feng shui authors and teach feng shui to people in Malaysia and all over the world. They are none other than Lillian Too and Joey Yap.
To be honest, I prefer Joey Yap as I find his teachings to be more focused on classical feng shui, whereas Lillian Too is more commercialised, with emphasis on new age feng shui. However, Joey Yap's Feng Shui & Astrology Seminar was held on 17th January 2009, which was a Saturday. I was not free as I was working on Saturday. So I settled for Lillian Too's whole day seminar which was held on a Sunday.

Lillian Too speaking at the KL Convention Centre
My brother went for Joey Yap's seminar so I will gather some information from him and post it on my blog here later. If you can't wait, you can read more at Eiling's blog.
As to what Lillian Too talked about in her seminar, I will be posting that in my next post.
Meantime, let's get back to my Ultimate Feng Shui Test.
In feng shui, there are 3 sectors in your home that you must be aware of. In 2009, and starting specifically on the 4th February 2009, although the effect can start earlier, take note of the following sectors in your homes.
North - The Five Yellow (Wu Wang) affliction star flies into this sector this year. In Hong Kong, people are very afraid of this star. It is said to bring misfortune, bad luck, illness and even death. If your bedroom is in the North sector of your house, then you will be badly affected. The best way to avoid this is to move out of that room! However, if you can't, make sure you do not knock, dig, renovate or make lots of noise in this room or you will activate the Five Yellow.
North East - The Grand Duke Jupiter (Tai Sui) will be residing in this sector this year. Do not sit facing North East as doing so will bring you misfortunes and bad luck. If you work in your office, make sure you are not sitting facing North East. Also, digging the ground, cutting a healthy tree and renovating at this sector will bring about the same effects. However, sitting with your back facing North East will be good as you are said to have good support from The Grand Duke Jupiter.
East - The Three Killings (Saam Saat) will be in this sector this year. Do not sit with the Three Killings behind you. Instead, confront it by facing East. Otherwise, you will suffer from loss of wealth, loss of loved ones and loss of good name.
To be sure you get the correct direction, make sure you use a good compass. Stand in the middle of your house to get the accurate direction with your compass.

How to locate the north sector (taken from
Now that you are clear about these afflictions, this is what you do to prove that feng shui works, which is to do the exact opposite of the above.
1. Make the North sector of your home your bedroom. Make as much noise as you can in this room (example: play the radio as loud as you like!) Or knock on the walls to hang some pictures! Or if you have a garden in the North part of your house, do some digging or even better, start renovating here!
(Warning: The Five Yellow can be deadly. Your life can be in danger if you choose to do this test! Consider carefully whether you are able to handle the risk! I will not be held responsible for this as the decision to do this test is entirely yours!)
2. Work and sit facing North East (Grand Duke Jupiter) everyday. Or start renovating in this sector of your house!
3. Sit facing West (Three Killings behind you) everyday, especially at work.
Obviously, if you sit facing North East (Test No.2) , you won't be facing West (Test No.3) but why not do both like sitting facing North East in your office and facing West in your house?
Combining these three afflictions can be deadly. I really have no idea how deadly as I do not dare to try! But for sceptics, you are welcome to give this test a try. Let me know the results please, that is, if you are still alive!
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