Well, blame it all on Lindsay Lohan and some other Hollywood actresses who practise lesbianism!

Lindsay Lohan
However, I believe most gays and lesbians did not become who they are because it is trendy. They are born with a different sexual orientation. In other words, they did not have a choice in their sexual preference.
Some critics say that homosexuals are a result of upbringing and environment. They theorised that a boy became gay because his father was cold and emotionally detached. Or a girl became a lesbian because she had an aggressive mother. But this theory is neither correct nor proven.
According to the book 'Why Men Don't Listen & Women Can't Read Maps' by Allan and Barbara Pease, there were a lot or research done that concluded that homosexuals are born and not conditioned.

Scientists have already confirmed that the basic template for the body and brain of a human foetus is female in structure. That's why men have redundant female features like nipples and have mammary glands that do not function. In other words, we all started as females.
But 6 to 8 weeks after conception, a male foetus receives a massive dose of male hormones called androgens which help form his testes. Later, he receives a second dose which alter his brain from a female to a male configuration.
Now, if during that time, the male foetus did not receive enough androgens due to some reasons, he may be born with a more feminine brain structure, and is therefore likely to be gay by puberty.
Or he may be born with with a fully feminine brain structure yet still have the male genitals. In this case, he's likely to be a transgender, which means biologically, he's male but feel as if he's a female inside.
Even worse are some children who are born with both male and female genitals. They are sometimes born and raised as girls only to become boys at puberty. Their parents were shocked that their little girls had turned into boys! This change occured despite all the social conditioning and upbringing, which proves that social environment and upbringing had little to do with one's sexual orientation.
The important question is how does the male hormone, androgens get suppressed? Well, there are several causes among them, severe stress, sickness and certain medications will reduce the production of this male hormone.
So if during the early stage of pregnancy, the male hormone is suppressed, and the foetus is male, the chances of giving birth to a gay boy are high.
However, if the foetus is female, then the likelihood is that the girl will be a very feminine girl.
It is interesting to note that certain medications like contraceptive pills and diabetic drugs actually dose the body with male hormones like testosterone. This overdosing of male hormones is the cause of the female foetus turning into a lesbian girl!
It is for this reason that you find more homosexual guys than girls. This is because the chances of the foetus not receiving enough male hormone is higher than an overdose.
So pregnant mothers, do be careful of the medication you take! And manage your stress well if you want straight boys!

Poor Fab Five! Apparently, they did not receive enough androgens while in their mommies' wombs.
After having read this, what do you think? Do you still believe homosexuality is a result of social environment and upbringing? Or do you believe that one's sexual orientation is already fixed at birth, in other words, one has no choice in the matter?
If one really has no choice in the matter, isn't it unfair that gays and lesbians are treated with so much hostility, prejudice and discrimination in some parts of the world?
It's like you are shunned because you have blue eyes, or red hair, or you are left handed or dyslexic.
Sometimes, I wonder if it really is a choice, why would any intelligent person choose a way of life that exposes them to so much hostility, prejudice and discrimination? Isn't it so much easier to be straight?
For more reading on this subject, check out the book 'Why Men Don't Listen & Women Don't Read Maps' by Allan and Barbara Pease.
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