Being close to the Equator, we are prone to lightning and thunderstorms all year round. In fact, the Malaysian Meteorological Department recorded more than 300 days of lightning in a year in certain parts of the country!
So what are the chances of anyone staying in Malaysia getting struck by lightning? I don't have the numbers with me, but I would say the chances are much higher than winning a lottery!

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I have seen many people jogging outside in the rain and even in thunderstorms. I have also seen many children playing football in the open field during lightning and thunderstorms. What were these people thinking? Aren't they aware of the dangers of lightning?
So today, let's do a short quiz and see how much you know about lightning prevention. Just answer TRUE or FALSE. Ready? Here goes...
1. It is safe to use an umbrella in a lightning storm.
2. It is safer to take shelter under a tree rather than stay in the open during a lightning storm.
3. The car is one of the safest place to be in a thunderstorm.
4. If you see dark thunder clouds gathering over the horizon while in the open, you are at risk from being struck by lightning.
5. You are safe from being struck by lightning if you can hear the thunder but not see the lightning.
6. You only need to run for shelter when it rains as lightning occurs during the rain.
7. It is safe to use the mobile phone in a thunderstorm.
8. If you are caught in a thunderstorm outside, try to stay dry as the chances of getting struck by lightning is lower when you are dry.
9. Lying flat on the ground is the best position to take in the open field during a lightning storm.
10. It is safe to go out in the open once you are sure there is no more lightning and thunder.
Well, how did you do? Scroll down for the answers.
1. It is safe to use an umbrella in a lightning storm - FALSE
An umbrella is an easy target for lightning. Especially umbrellas with spiky tops.
2. It is safer to take shelter under a tree rather than stay in the open during a lightning storm - FALSE
Lightning tends to strike tall objects, and trees are one of them. Therefore, never take shelter under a tree during lightning storm. It is probably better to stay out in the open away from trees and tall objects like poles and lamp posts.
3. The car is one of the safest place to be in a thunderstorm - TRUE
A car with a metal roof conducts electricity and brings it down to earth. Make sure not to touch any metal objects in the car and keep the windows rolled up. Of course, the safest place is still inside a concrete building.
4. If you see dark thunder clouds gathering over the horizon while in the open, you are at risk from being struck by lightning - TRUE
Lightning has been known to strike up to 10 miles from a storm, so even if the dark clouds are not above you at the moment, you are still in danger of being struck by lightning. Stop all acivities and seek shelter once you see dark clouds looming on the horizon.
5. You are safe from being struck by lightning if you can hear the thunder but not see the lightning - FALSE
Lightning can strike up to 10 miles from a storm, so even if you don't notice the lightning, you may be within the lightning strike. Once you see the lightning, it may already be too late. Start looking for shelter when you hear the thunder.
6. You only need to run for shelter when it rains as lightning occurs during the rain - FALSE
Lightning often occurs before the rain falls, so do not wait for the rain to fall before you act.
7. It is safe to use the mobile phone in a thunderstorm - TRUE
As long as you are not out in the open, it is generally safe to use the mobile phone in a thunderstorm. Do not use land-line phones, any plugged-in electrical appliances, plumbing fixtures or anything that conducts electricity in a thunderstorm. As such, do not take a shower or touch any metallic object like door knobs and even taps in the house or building.
8. If you are caught in a thunderstorm outside, try to stay dry as the chances of getting struck by lightning is lower when you are dry - FALSE
Get yourself wet in a thunderstorm! Wet clothing helps to reduce serious injuries to the lightning struck person. Let the current flow over you instead of inside you.
9. Lying flat on the ground is the best position to take in the open field during a lightning storm - FALSE
It is dangerous to touch the ground as all lightnings are grounded. Instead, the best position is to squat down with your feet together, your head tucked to your chest or between the knees, your hands covering your ears or flat on your knees. This will minimise injury as the lightning will flow over your body instead of through vital organs.
10. It is safe to go out in the open once you are sure there is no more lightning and thunder - FALSE
Stay inside your shelter until about 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard. Lightning can still happen within that time frame.
For more information on how to protect yourself from lightning, read wikihow.
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