It’s 20092009
20th September 2009. A Double Match.
It happens only once in a lifetime! You’ll never get such a number again. So I guess I would like to wish everyone a wonderful day!
If you feel a sense of deja vu reading this, that's because I posted a similar post with the exact same wordings (except for the numbers) last year. Read it here.
Last year, the special day was on 20th August. That gave us 20082008.
So next year it will be 20th October which gives us 20102010.
It so happens that today is also a big day for Muslims as it is the first day of Hari Raya! So to all my Muslim friends and readers, I would like to wish you Selamat Hari Raya!
While everyone was obsessed with the number 090909 on the 9th September 2009, I am more attracted to this date 20092009. I wonder what is so special with 090909 - it reminds me of the emergency number 999! Certainly not a good number to me especially if it has something to do with emergencies!
Well, I am not really obsessed with numbers. If you want to know what I'm obsessed with, read here.
But a lot of people are obsessed with numbers! I do know that most Chinese people will avoid the number 4 like the plague. They won't want to be caught dead with number 4 on their car plate, house address and even handphone number! That's because the number 4 sounds like death in Chinese. You want to know what I think? I really think that's superstitious crap!
As for Westerners, they avoid number 13 as much as possible. Because 13 is deemed an unlucky number. Why? Maybe because there were 13 people at Christ's Last Supper and Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday the 13th.

The Last Supper courtesy of
But guess what? 13 is a lucky number to the Chinese. It means "sure to live" in Chinese!
Of course, nowadays in Malaysia we are obsessed with the number 1. Not that we want to be first in everything we do since I don't think we are as kiasu as the Singaporeans but we are certainly getting there. We see the words 1Malaysia everywhere - in the newpapers, on TV and even hear it on radio. 1Malaysia fever is happening right here in Malaysia thanks to the Prime Minister! And also thanks to him, we will soon be having our very own 1Malaysia F1 Team!

But is 1 such a good number? I can't help thinking that 1 is a lonely number. No wonder they say it's lonely at the top!
2 is a better number, no? At least we can go out 2 by 2. Not so lonely, haha!
Have you heard of the 2 second rule? That is to make sure you are at least 2 seconds from the vehicle in front when you are driving. To do that, watch the vehicle in front pass a landmark or an object (eg. lamp post or tree). Once it passes the landmark or object, start counting "1 second, 2 seconds". If your car reach that landmark or object before 2 seconds, you are way too near the vehicle in front and you need to slow down.

Image courtesy of Road Safety Authority
By the way, have you heard of this funny quote? "A man is a person who will pay 2 dollars for a 1 dollar item he wants. A woman will pay 1 dollar for a 2 dollar item she does not want". Haha!
If 2 is company, then 3 must be a crowd! A lot of TV dramas feature stories about 3 people involved in a love triangle. Have you ever been involved in a love triangle yourself?

Image courtesy of Anime Vampire
Talking about 3, do you know how to spell water in 3 letters? It's easy! The answer is H2O! Haha!
The number 4 is an interesting number. Try this! Think of any number and write it out in words. Then count the number of letters it contains. Write out the number in words and repeat the process. You will be surprised that you will always end up with number 4!
Example : TWENTY FIVE (10 letters) ---> TEN (3 letters) ---> THREE (5 letters) ---> FIVE (4 letters) ---> FOUR (4 letters)
The number 5 always remind me of boybands. Maybe because most boybands originally have 5 members. Look at NSync, BackStreet Boys and Westlife!

Backstreet Boys
Now here's something interesting about number 6! Do you know that whenever two people meet, there are really 6 people present? Don't know what I'm talking about? Analyse this slowly. There is each person as he sees himself, each person as the other person sees him and each person as he really is. Total 6 people!
Of course if either one or both of them have multiple split personality, it would be more than 6!
Ah! Number 7 reminds me of the 7 wonders of the world! Do you know what the 7 wonders are? No, Petronas Twin Towers is not one of them. If you want to know, read here. But I think there are definitely more than 7 wonders in this world, don't you agree?

Image courtesy of Eats
I love mooncakes! Now why am I talking about mooncakes? That's because mooncakes are always cut into 8 pieces! And you know what? I don't like a mooncake to be cut into 8 pieces! That's what most people would do. I prefer to cut it into 4 pieces! Bigger slice for me! Haha!
Chinese people always like the number 9. Because 9 symbolizes longevity. No wonder cats have 9 lives! So they can afford to be curious. Curiosity kills the cat, remember?
Now if I want to go on, I can blog all the way till number 10,000 and beyond! But I don't think I will because I am not really obsessed with numbers anyway.
But wait! I forgot to mention one important number. It's Zero! That's such a funny number! Actually, is zero even a number at all? I mean, how can zero which means nothing is actually something? And do you know zero equates love? You don't? Catch a game of tennis, take note of the score and you will see what I mean!
So if love = zero, instead of saying "I love you" can I now say "I zero you"? Haha!
OK, enough about numbers! Have a great day, everyone! : )
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