No Monday blues for me! Isn't it nice to have Monday as a holiday?
Sorry to those of you who are not staying or working in Selangor. I guess it's just another normal working Monday for you. Well, look at the bright side. Hari Raya holidays are coming in 2 weeks time!
I still remember when I was small, I used to dislike going to school. I always looked forward to the weekends. Friday nights had got to be the most enjoyable nights for me those days. I could look forward to Saturdays and Sundays with joy!
I would dread Sunday nights. In fact, I would start feeling down by Sunday afternoon. That's how bad it was. By the time I got ready for bedtime on Sunday night, I would wish that I would be in dreamland forever and the next day would never ever come!
And the whole process would repeat itself week after week, like a horrible cycle that would only be interrupted by the school term holidays and the occasional public holidays!
Of all the holidays that I experienced during my childhood days, the year-end school holidays must be the best of them all! The 7-week (sometimes 8) holidays were weeks filled with fun, fun and more fun! There was practically nothing to worry about. No studies, no school projects, no waking up early. Gosh, those were the days....

Image courtesy of Diocese Of Oxford
Sometimes I could not help but feel a little upset when I see children nowadays. Especially Chinese schools' students. They do not seem to have any holidays! Even during school break, they need to study and attend extra classes in school. Most of them even need to go for tuition classes.
I mean, where is their childhood? I really think children deserve to enjoy their childhood because once they grow up, they will never be able to experience the joys of being children! No wonder Michael Jackson blamed everything that happened to him to his missing childhood!

Image courtesy of UN Good Works
I really hope children nowadays won't grow up and start acting weird and then when we question them on their behaviour, they will ask "Have you seen my childhood?"
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