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Here are 3 common myths regarding diabetes.
1. Diabetes is caused by high consumption of sugar.
This is only partly true. There are people who do not consume much sugar yet they get diabetes. Besides, all food once digested turn into sugar in your body. It's not just sugar that you must control, but the amount of food and the portion that you must be aware of.
To be on the safe side, avoid all refined sugar and processed food. Add to that you must also practise a healthy lifestyle like exercise on a regular basis, sleep early and manage stress.
This is not an advice for diabetics only. It holds true for non diabetics as well that is, if you want to avoid becoming part of the statistics.
2. Diabetes is not a very serious disease as it can be controlled by medication and insulin.
This is a very dangerous myth because I notice a lot of diabetics still eat like they normally do thinking the insulin and medication is enough to help them control their blood sugar. Take note that diabetes is an incurable disease. Once you have it, you have it for life.
With diabetes, you will eventually suffer from stroke, heart disease, kidney problems, and eye problems. It's what you must do NOW to slow down the effects so that you can delay these problems from happening too soon.
To do this, you would have to change your lifestyle. Eat low GI (glycemic index) food, control your portion, do exercise and manage your stress well. In this way, the medication and insulin you take in do not have to work that extra hard to control your blood sugar.
3. Diabetes can be spread or inherited.
Diabetes definitely cannot be spread from one person to the other like the common flu. But it can be inherited. However, not everyone who gets diabetes inherits it.
You are considered at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes if any of your first-degree relatives have diabetes. So if you are one of the unfortunate ones, all the more you must take really good care of your health. Do not wait - start the healthy lifestyle right now!
I remember I have blogged a little about diabetes before I left for my China trip. To refresh your memory, read it here. I had put up a list of popular food and asked you, my readers to guess the amount of sugar in each of them.
So here are the answers.

Mc Donald's sundae ice cream (180ml) - 10.3 teaspoons or 28.7% sugar

A&W Root Beer (325ml) - 7.6 teaspoons or 11.8% sugar

Coca Cola (325ml) - 6.5 teaspoons or 9.9% sugar

Ribena (500ml) - 65 teaspoons or 64.6% sugar

Kellogg's Corn Frosties (275g) - 19.3 teaspoons or 35.1% sugar

Uncle Tobys Muesli Bars (125g) - 16.8 teaspoons or 59.9% sugar

100 Plus (100ml) - 5.7 teaspoons or 8.8% sugar

Chipsmore Cookies (180g) - 13.3 teaspoons or 36.9% sugar
*Source : CAP Guide "How Much Sugar Is Hidden In Your Food"
How much sugar are you eating daily? According to American Heart Association, women should not take in more than 6 teaspoons of sugar a day, whereas men should limit to 9 teaspoons a day. (This however do not apply to natural sugar found in fruits). Read the report here.
Based on their recommendation, it looks like by eating that McDonalds sundae ice cream, you would have exceeded your daily limit!
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