What makes you happy really?
A lot of people tell me that they will be happy when they earn their first million.
Some tell me they will be happy once they they lose weight and achieve that perfect figure!
Others tell me they will be happy once they are married and have children.
Yet others tell me they will only be happy when they are successful and famous!

I guess most people will only be happy when they reach their goals in life. So in other words, we are all always striving to reach that state of being happy.
Have you ever wondered why we work so hard? Well, for the majority of us, we work hard for the money.
But why do we need to have money? Besides being able to buy food, pay our house loans and other necessities in life, we can buy things we like. And why would we want those things so much? Probably because they help us accomplish certain things in life or we want to look cool.
But why do we want to accomplish those things? Why do we want to look cool? Keep questioning yourself and you'll find that the real reason is because that would make you happy. You see, it all boils down to this craving for that state of happiness.

Now don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong in pursuing our dreams and our goals.
But if it is really happiness that you are after, why go through all the troubles? Since happiness is just a state of your conscious mind, don't you think you can simply 'choose' to be happy?
As ridiculous as this may sound to you, don't you think that you can just sit back, do nothing and be happy?
Why go through all the hard work to reach your destination when you can actually arrive at your destination now?
Believe me, there are people who have already achieved this - they are the reclusive yogis, who choose to do nothing and be happy.
I guess it's not easy for us to do that because all our lives, we have been conditioned to work hard in order to achieve our dreams. And then and only then, would we be satisfied and be happy.
But here's the problem. That happiness will not last very long. For very soon, we will be craving for more, for that next step because as humans, we always want to progress.
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And so, people will continue to strive for that elusive happiness all their lives, wondering why do they feel so empty after having achieved so many things in life. You see, searching for happiness outside of you is an illusion. Because happiness is found within.
You already have happiness inside you. Be happy NOW. No matter what circumstances in your life right now, you can choose to be happy. IT'S YOUR CHOICE.
Why not be happy even as you continue to strive for your goals and dreams? You don't need to be happy only AFTER you have achieved them. As they say, success is a journey not a destination.
If there is a really good time to be happy, the time is NOW.
You can choose to be happy. Right this minute.
Have a happy weekend, everyone! : )
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