Warning : This is a very long post! But it is full of very useful information about what 2010 holds for you. You may want to take your time to read this very slowly especially if you are into feng shui!
Believe it or not, I attended both Lillian Too and Joey Yap's feng shui talks this year!
Although Lillian's feng shui talk was held one week earlier than Joey's, I decided to blog about Joey Yap's talk first as it's a matter of urgency.
Why so urgent? Well, that's because Joey had revealed a set of dates for you to activate your wealth stars and there is one date that is as early as next Monday, January 25th! So I do not want you, my dear readers who did not attend his talk to miss out!
Aptly titled "Succeeding In Turbulent Times", this one day seminar was held at Plenary Hall, KL Convention Centre on January 16th from 10am - 5pm.
The hall was packed to the brim! Joey Yap must be getting more and more popular because when I compare the same hall where Lillian Too held her seminar a week earlier, hers was barely three quarters full!

This is my first time attending Joey Yap's seminar and I must say I enjoyed it! Although he's not as funny as Lillian Too, he still made me laugh a lot with his jokes which were frequently peppered with Cantonese idioms and proverbs.
Now what is different with Joey Yap's seminar compared to Lillian Too's is that Joey also teaches us face reading which was rather interesting!
It would be impossible for me to mention everything that Joey talked about in his whole day seminar so let me first summarize the good and bad directions for 2010, the year of the metal tiger.

All the directions will take effect starting from February 4th 2010, so make sure you remember them! Why Febuary 4th? Because in feng shui practice, we follow the Chinese Solar Calendar and not the Lunar Calendar.
According to the Lunar Calendar, the first day of the new year which is celebrated as the Chinese New Year is on February 14th 2010. But in the Solar Calandar, February 4th marks the starting of spring called Li Chun.

2010 Flying Stars Chart courtesy of wofs.com
The Five Yellow which is highly feared, will fly into the Southwest sector of your house this year, so do not do renovation or make a lot of noise here. Doing so will activate the Five Yellow which will bring illness, misfortune, loss of wealth and even death.
If your bedroom is located in the Southwest or if you spend a lot of time in the Southwest corner of your home, then you will have to move out of that bedroom or at least spend less time there. If this is not possible, you can neutralise the negative energy by using more metal items in the area.
(To know the exact direction and sector in your house, stand in the middle of your house, and use a compass. Do not rely on the sun setting or rising as your direction as it is not accurate).
The Grand Duke (or Tai Sui) resides in the Northeast this year. Facing the Grand Duke will bring you misfortune so do not face Northeast especially when you are negotiating or having a very important meeting. You are sure to lose!
However, facing Southwest with Grand Duke behind you gives you good support! According to Joey Yap, if you want to have the upper hand in any negotiation, make sure you are standing or sitting with the Grand Duke behind you (facing Southwest) and let your rival or competitor faces the Grand Duke (Northeast) instead! Now isn't that wicked! Haha!
The Three Killings which bring bodily harm and robberies, accidents and health problems, reside in the North this year. You are supposed to face the Three Killings head on, so it is good to face North and not sit with the Three Killings behind you (ie facing South).
Also, avoid any form of renovation or groundbreaking in both the Grand Duke sector and The Three Killings sector to prevent any misfortune.
Of course, to skeptics and disbelievers, these may all sound like bullshit. The good news is you don't have to believe any of these at all! Just test it out for yourself! Instead of following the advice given above, you purposely do the opposite!
Go do some major renovations at the Southwest (Five Yellow), face the Northeast (Grand Duke) in all your negotiations, and purposely sit with the North (Three Killings) behind you during your working hours. And then let me know the result! Here's a warning though - do these at your own risk! I shall not be held responsible if anything happens to you. Haha!
By the way, the Grand Duke is not a deity as most people assumed. It is just a name given to a star which changes location every year. Thus, we have the name Flying Stars in feng shui. In the olden days, people are not exposed to science so they cannot understand about flying stars. To make it easier for them to comprehend, the word Grand Duke was used so they could relate it as a deity that they need to respect. They are advised not to face the Grand Duke or suffer the consequences!
I found Flying Stars to be very scientific and it is a very accurate way of predicting and measuring the good and bad energy of the house or building you stay in. However, the interpretation of the outcome is not as easy and that requires skills and practice. That's why feng shui to me, is as much science as it is art!
Now take a look at the Flying Stars Chart for 2010 again.

Do you notice the numbers 6, 8 and 1 from East to West? These numbers represent good name, wealth and recognition respectively. These are good numbers meaning for this year, any house that faces East or West enjoys good feng shui. If your house does not face East or West, you can still activate these good stars by placing water elements at any of these sectors.
Joey Yap took this a step further by getting us to superimpose the above chart onto our faces. If you do that, you will notice the number 8 will be right at your nose area. According to Joey, anyone with big or prominent nose will be able to gain wealth this year.
The only difference is if you have a big nose (like Jackie Chan), you will gain direct wealth by working and saving lots of money. If your nose is tall and fleshy, you will gain indirect wealth by investing your money. If your nose is flat and not prominent, sorry, better luck next time! Haha!
All is not lost however. You can always activate the star number 8 by placing water elements in the middle sector of your home.
Next, let me tell you about what Joey Yap mentioned about the year 2010. To do this, you will need to know a bit of this year's Bazi Chart.
A Bazi Chart is made up of 4 pillars (Hour, Day, Month, Year) which contain 8 characters. The top row is known as Heavenly Stems, and the second row is Earthly Branches. Below these two rows are what we called Hidden Stems.

2010 Bazi Chart courtesy of Bazi Buzz
In Chinese metaphysics, the world is made up of five elements namely, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire. From this 2010 Bazi Chart, you will see that there is no water element - not even one! Since water is in short supply in 2010, anyone with water element in his or her personal Bazi Chart will be better off this year than those who don't!
This also means that water element industry like banking, shipping, transportation and tourism will do well this year.
To know your personal Bazi Chart, you can either download it from Joey Yap's website or Lillian Too's website. You just need to enter your date and time of birth and the rest will be done for you! Remember to keep your personal Bazi Chart under lock and key - you are not supposed to reveal your chart to anyone!
So what does 2010 holds for us Malaysians according to Joey Yap? Read here as reported by The Star.
Finally, here are the important dates and times you will need to activate the chi or energy. Make sure you note these down and remember to act on them!
First, to activate the God Of Wealth star on Chinese New Year Day on February 14th 2010. Usually, Chinese people will invite the God Of Wealth on this day. However, Joey Yap said you can do the same thing without resorting to prayers and firecrackers if you don't want to.
All you need to do is to make a lot of noise like holding a party or switch on the music at the correct sector of your home and at the right time! Why does this work? Because God Of Wealth is not really a deity you invite to your house, but it's actually a star that you need to activate!
So the Chinese way of prayers and firecrackers in fact helps to activate this star!
This can be done by activating Southeast 3 or Northwest 3 sectors at any of the following time
11pm (Feb 13th) - 1am (Feb 14th)
3am - 5am
5am - 7am
The best time is 3am - 5am which is the Tiger hours.
Refer to the compass chart below to know where exactly is Southeast 3 and Northwest 3.

Compass direction courtesy of HenryFong.com
For more information on compass directions and its sub-divisions, read here.
Next, to activate wealth stars for money luck, there are three suitable dates.
1. Jan 25th 2010 3pm - 4.59pm Southwest 1 or Southwest 2 (except if you have Snake in your Bazi chart).
If you have Goat or Ox in your Bazi chart, you cannot activate Southwest 1. Go for Southwest 2 instead.
Warning! Activating this is extremely powerful and dangerous! This date is only suitable for those of you who are very sure you got your direction correct. If you are not sure, do not activate. Doing this wrongly will result in extreme calamity for you! In fact, I do not dare to attempt this - too risky! I think it's better to play it safe and choose options 2 or 3 unless you have nothing to lose in which case, go ahead!
2. Mar 26th 2010 5am - 6.59am Northwest or East (except if you have Snake in your Bazi chart)
3. June 9th 2010 7pm - 8.59pm Northwest, East or Southeast (except with Monkey in your chart)
To activate Nobility Star (ie helpful people) there are three dates you can choose.
1. Apr 4th 2010 7pm - 8.59pm East 2 or Northwest 3 (except with Tiger in your chart)
2. July 5th 2010 5pm - 6.59pm Northwest 3 or East 2 (except with Dog in your chart)
3. May 20th 2010 3pm - 4.59pm East 2
Only activate this third option if have serious problems to be resolved and you need a breakthrough in your life, otherwise choose option 1 or 2.
To activate Peach Blossom (ie relationship luck)
Apr 20th 2010 3pm - 4.59pm North (except with Horse in your chart)
Whether you need to activate the wealth star, the nobility star or the peach blossom, you can do so by simply rearranging your furnitures, redecorate the area or create some kind of activity or movement. The point is to move the chi and trigger the stars concerned.
You can also place water features at these areas but it is better to place them outside the house rather than inside. The water does not have to be moving water. It can be still water in a large urn or container which is deep, wide and exposed. Yes, the water need to be exposed to collect the chi so do not cover the urn or container.
By the way, you can even put in some fishes to eat up mosquitoes larvae if you do not want to be fined for breeding aedes mosquitoes. Either that, or change the water often.
Now if you are unlucky enough to have all those animals (highlighted in red) in your Bazi chart and therefore, cannot activate the stars as recommended, then sorry to say you would need to pay Joey Yap to help you choose other suitable dates! Haha!
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