Since I was not used to waking up so early even on working days, what more during the holidays, I set my handphone alarm at 6.15am the night before. Well, I wanted to brush my teeth and do my big business before my friend wakes up!
Turned out that my Mariah Carey song alarm woke him up as well, haha. He was amazed that I am such a huge Mariah fan that I even used her songs as my alarm bell. Well, anyone who wants to travel with me will have to put up with that, I suppose. Haha!
By the time we reached the resort lobby, it was already 6.45am. We quickly took some photos.
We were not sure how we were going to have our complimentary breakfast as the coffee house only opened at 7am, which was the time for our bird watching tour to start.
There would be two more people - a Singaporean couple - joining our tour. However, we waited until 7am and still no one came! Our tour guide arrived soon after and told us that the Singaporean couple woke up late and asked us to wait for a while. Both me and my friend were pissed off because if we had known they would be late, we would not have woken up so early and we could have gone for our breakfast!
Anyway, my friend and I decided not to give a damn and went for our breakfast instead of just standing there waiting!
Surprisingly, I found the breakfast to be much better than the buffet dinner we had the night before. But I did not have the time to take photos and to eat properly because halfway through eating, the tour guide came to tell us that the Singaporean couple had arrived and we were ready to go. What a nuisance!
I will post more photos of the breakfast food in my future post as we had a more proper breakfast the next day and I had more time to take some photos.
I think we (especially my friend, I'm the more forgiving one, haha!) were really pissed off with the Singaporean couple we did not even bother to say hello or even talk to them throughout our entire bird watching tour! LOL
We hopped into a van together with our tour guide. While the van driver drove, our tour guide explained to us what birds we were likely to see.
The van would stop at a few places and we would walked along long stretches of road in search for birds!
Unfortunately, we did not see many birds during this outing. Maybe it's just our luck or maybe the birds were fast disappearing.
Our tour guide adjusting the binocular for us to view the birds.
We witnessed people catching birds! I even took photos of a pretty bird being captured.
Look how the bird tried to bite the man's hand!
It sure looked angry being captured! Poor birdie! How could people be allowed to capture these birds?
No wonder we could not see many birds that day! They were fast going extinct!
This would surely affect the tourism industry at Lake Kenyir. When we asked our tour guide why he did not report these people to the authorities, he just smiled. Well, if this goes on, his services will no longer be needed!
So with not many birds to watch, we ended up watching plants and bugs instead, haha!
A huge bug I snapped on my camera
Tree with two-coloured leaves
My blogger friend joked that we would have seen more birds in the parks in Petaling Jaya and I thought he was right! In fact, I think I can spot more birds in my house compound. Haha! Anyway, if you really want to see birds, go to KL Bird Park.
Don't know what flower this is, just snapped a photo of it!
Green plants are just so soothing to the eyes!
Do you know what flower this is?
I had wanted to place more photos of our bird watching tour here but most of them contain the pictures of my blogger friend so I am sorry I can't share them with you. He requested for privacy and I have to respect his request.
So after spending the whole morning walking long stretches of road without many birds in sight, we called it a day.

Even though it was somewhat a disappointment not to mention a waste of my RM50 (yes, that's how much I paid for this tour!) I had an enjoyable time chatting with my friend. It was still fun nevertheless, so no regrets here at all!
Coming Up Next : My Scenic Walk Along Lake Kenyir
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