Recently, I noticed that the older magazines started to curl up at the edges. Take a look.

The magazine on the left is the November 2009 issue whereas on the right is the more recent March 2010 issue.
Can you see how curled up the magazine is on the left? The one on the right is already showing signs of curling up! And no, it has nothing to do with how I handle the magazines, if that's what you think.
Why do I say that? Well, the much older Readers Digest magazines (2008 issues) that I have in my collection never did curl up no matter how badly I handled them! But then again, those issues were not placed in my bedroom. They are all in the store room after spending like one whole year in my bedroom.
So why are these Readers Digest magazines curling up in my bedroom? Anyone of you have any good theory on this? Or is it time for me to call Agent Mulder and Scully?
2. Recently, I was down with a migraine attack. It was a shock to me as I rarely have migraines. I would say this is the second time in my life suffering from migraine, my first time being 2 years ago!

Image courtesy of
It all started late one morning when I experienced vision disturbances. I had difficulty reading as I was seeing black patches and dark spots! Any pictures I saw appeared to be pixelled or blurred. Straight lines seemed crooked to me!
Having experienced this unusual symptoms before the onset of my migraine attack 2 years ago, I quickly went to my bedroom and laid down. The first time I had this experience, I thought I was going to die! Now I knew better.
Minutes later, the throbbing on one side of my head started. I felt nauseated and wanted to vomit. Lying down and sleeping provided no relief whatsoever. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me anti-migraine drugs.
I never really like to take any form of drugs but this migraine was paralyzing me to the point where I could do nothing but lie down the whole day! There goes my revenues for that one day!
The doctor advised me against sleeping late at night and drinking too much coffee. Well, I don't drink much coffee but I have to admit I sleep pretty late at night! I am a night owl if you don't already know me! Haha! But I guess I would have to sleep earlier from now on!
By the way, I learnt to massage some acupressure points in relieving migraines, and they really helped to give me some relief! For more details, read HERE.
3. I hate to touch anything after washing my hands in a public toilet! Like turning off the tap, or pulling down the roll of tissue to wipe my hands, or turning the door knob to open the toilet door.
It defeats the whole purpose of washing my hands! That's why I simply love taps and tissue roll with auto sensors! Like this one in the Gardens Mall.

Just place your hand in front of the sensor machine and the tissue paper will roll out from below. Love it! : )
4. Last year, I and my friend went for lunch at Prego, an Italian restaurant in Westin Hotel KL. Now, you may be wondering why I am blogging about something that happened last year.
Well, I just realized I have forgotten to blog about this and as I happened to come across these photos, I thought why not include them in my random notes today? Haha!

The above is the complimentary bread given to us as an appetizer before our main meals. The bread was huge and I was already half full eating it! What I really like was the slightly spicy sauce that came with it! Eating the bread dipped into that sauce was heavenly!
We shared the pizza...

...and the pasta.

And we were so full by the end of it! Gosh! I guess I am NOT such a big eater after all! Haha!

I don't mind going to Prego again, even if it's just for that complimentary bread alone! LOL!
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