Today is a very special day. For me specifically.
It's the day when I get to be one year wiser, one year smarter and one year richer (I am not talking about money here, no thanks to the current economic conditions)
Maybe one year bigger (read fatter) but not one year taller.
And definitely not one year younger. How I wish I can turn back time!
Yes, you guessed it! It's my birthday today!!
So wish me Happy Birthday!
And sing the birthday song.....

This picture clearly shows how I feel when I was 10 years old seeing my birthday cake! I hope there will always be only one candle on all my birthday cakes! LOL
Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to Foong PC,
Happy birthday to me.
Thanks everyone for singing along. I hope you remember to change the word "me" to "you". Ha ha!
Surprisingly, I don't celebrate my birthday. I've celebrated it once when I was small, and once in my adult life, but never again after that.
Oh, of course there will be friends who drop me birthday cards and sms me birthday greetings, but I don't go out and have a meal or buy a birthday cake to celebrate.
Want to know why? Because I'm sick of celebrating birthdays!
There was one year when I celebrated my friends' and relatives' birthdays every month! Yes there was at least one birthday party or dinner to attend every month of that year. Each month, I had to think of what birthday present to buy for my friends. Frankly, I'm sick of it!
So I told my friends that I no longer celebrate birthdays, and that means I won't celebrate their birthdays too. No more birthday presents, no more birthday parties. If they want to hold parties, please don't bother to invite me. Because I sure as hell won't turn up!
Now you may think I'm being arrogant or unkind, but really, not celebrating birthdays does not mean I don't care. I do. I still send my friends birthday cards, or sms them birthday greetings. Sometimes, if I have the time, I would go out for a drink with the birthday boy or girl. But no presents. None. I don't believe in giving presents and then expecting presents on my own birthday.
What about you? Do you celebrate your birthday? Do you feel compelled to buy birthday presents for your friends? Do you expect birthday presents from your friends?
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