Do you believe in feng shui?
Or do you think it's all crappy nonsense?
Well, why not put it to the test! I dare you.
By knowing what is good feng shui and intentionally practising the opposite! Yes, practise bad feng shui and experiencing the effects! Do you dare to stand up to this challenge? This is the only way to prove that feng shui works despite your beliefs!
Don't worry. Once you experience the bad effects, you can quickly reverse it by practising good feng shui again.
But first, you need to get your best and worst directions.
Step 1. Go to wofs.com
Step 2. Under FS Assistant, click on the KUA Number Calculation to get your personal KUA number.
Step 3. Enter your date of birth and gender and click Calculate.
Step 4. Note down all your four best directions, and all your four worst directions. Take note that of the four worst directions, the Total Loss direction is absolutely your worst!
Now here's where you start your test. But before you commence, I assume that your life is going on pretty well right now, with no major problems.
If you are feeling down and are experiencing a lot of unfortunate events, DO NOT proceed with this test or your current condition will take a turn for the worse! I'm not joking here. Do not attempt this test!
For those of you who think your lives are generally OK or excellent at this moment, go ahead with the test.
Starting today, do the following:
Sleep with your head pointing to your worst direction (that is, your Total Loss direction). You can align your bed in such a way so that when you sleep, your head is pointing at your worst direction.
When you work, eat, watch TV, or do anything that will have you sitting down for a significant amount of time, have your chair position in such a way that you will be sitting facing your worst direction.
Now to be sure you are getting the correct direction, please don't assume. Use a compass. Buy, if you don't have one!
Do the above everyday for a week or more until you experience bad things or bad events in your life. Once you start to experience the effect of this bad feng shui, quickly reverse it by stopping what you do.
Now instead of your worst direction, sleep with your head pointing to your best direction. (Any of the 4 best directions will do).
Also, work, eat, watch TV and do anything that requires you sitting down for a significant amount of time facing your best direction.
This test is important because it proves to you not once, but two times that feng shui works. First time, when you use it to attract bad things into your life. The second time, when you use it again to reverse the effects.
Perhaps after doing this test, you will not think that feng shui is all crappy nonsense any more. Well, to all the non-believers, do you dare take up this challenge and let me know the results?
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