Hooray! I have reached a milestone in blogging. As of today, I have reached the 100th post!
Funnily enough, I was at Old Town White Coffee last week and they told me they were celebrating their 100th outlet! Talking about coincidence.
To a new blogger like me, I think that's an achievement of sorts.
Not Old Town White Coffee, but my blog. Yes, I'm talking about My Very First BlogTM.
All right, I'm impressed with Old Town White Coffee reaching their 100th outlet and trying to overtake McDonalds with the most outlets in Malaysia, but let's talk about that another day, shall we?
So yes, to a new blogger like me, reaching my 100th post is certainly an achievement.
But wait a minute, can I still consider myself a newbie in blogging?
I still remember the day I started this blog, and writing my first post back in March 2008. (I actually really started blogging in May 2008 after two months of inactivity). I had absolutely no knowledge of writing blogs. I was so new to this blogging thing I did not even know what the word "ping" means. I only knew it had nothing to do with ping pong.
In fact, I have not heard of words like AdSense, widget, tag, Digg, ATOM, Technorati, Feedburner, RSS, and so on. These words sounded so alien to me at that time.
And I did not know how to put YouTube videos on my blog.
Or make a recording of me playing my piano and post the music on my blog.
So I guess there's always a first time for everything, right?

If only writing a blog is as simple as pressing the "blog" key!
Over the months, I have learnt a lot of things. And I am really grateful. Yes, come to think of it, if I did not try my hands at blogging, I wouldn't have learnt so many new things and gained so many friendships with bloggers all over the world!
Now blogging is part of my life. I just love to blog, and I am loving it more and more everyday.
Some people say I would get bored and give up blogging after some time. But I have proven them wrong. In fact, my love for blogging have grown stronger. You can even say I am addicted to blogging.
But that does not mean it is so important that it takes over my life. No, I have not sign up for Bloggers Anonymous yet. In case you are wondering what that is, it is somewhat similar to alcoholics joining Alcoholics Anonymous.

To some people, blogging is their No. 1 priority. For me, blogging is NOT my No.1 priority in life. It is my No. 2. I would feel restless if I don't blog for more than 3 days. That's why if you notice in my blog, I always come up with a new post every 2-3 days.
If you find I do not have a new post after 3 days, you should be concerned. After 5 days, you should be very concerned. And if there's no update after 1 week, it's time to ring the alarm bells. Yes, I'm serious. Something must be very wrong if I don't update my blog for that long!
Sometimes, I wonder if there's such a thing as Blogging Idol, will I audition for it?

Some bloggers say they don't have anything to blog about. They run out of topics to blog. Writer's block, if you will. So they give up.
I say bullshit! There are a million and one things to blog about. In fact just thinking back on what you did today is enough to fill up a post. Or just watching the news on TV or reading the newspaper will provide you enough materials to write several posts for your blog to last a week. And I notice that some bloggers can even come up with a new post everyday by simply posting a few pictures of what they eat everyday! These are the fanatic foodie bloggers, and I certainly don't recommend that you do that!
Of course for bloggers like me who write about anything under the sun, it is much easier to come out with many different topics. Those who do niche blogs, or specialise in certain subject matter may find it more difficult. However, if you plan to earn money from your blog, it is better to have niche blog.
By the way, have you read the book by Stephen Covey called "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"? He came out with a new book some time back called "The 8th Habit". Sounds to me like a new discovery. I haven't read this latest book yet. I wonder if there's any chance the 8th habit might be blogging? Haha!

Anyway, jokes aside, I want to really thank all those who have made it possible for me to reach my 100th post. This include all you bloggers who regularly visit my blog, taking your effort to read my posts and leaving your opinions and comments. I don't have to name names, I am sure you know who you are! I really, really do appreciate you!! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!! You are the ones who inspire me to continue blogging.
I also like to thank those who visit my blog but do not leave any comments. You, whom I call the silent readers. Thank you for visiting! Hope you continue to visit my blog and enjoy your stay!
I plan to continue blogging for years and years to come. I don't think I'll ever stop. So one fine day, when I reach my 1,000th post, I might just throw a big party! And all of you will be invited!
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