What if I tell you what you think God wants from you is not what God wants from you?
Will you reject it outright? Will you say I'm blasphemous?
Well, since reading Conversations With God Book 1 by Neale Donald Walsch, I've continued reading many of his subsequent books. One of his many books which stand out is this book published in 2005 called WHAT GOD WANTS.

When was the last time you read a dangerous book?
Well, be careful because this book is dangerous.
It explores with startling freshness the most important question you could ever ask, and offers with breathtaking courage the most extraordinary answer you could ever imagine.
That answer is so theologically revolutionary and so spiritually empowering that it could change the course of human history. If embraced, it most certainly will change your life.
There are people and institutions in the world, long in place and long in power, that want neither of these outcomes to occur. They would rather that you put this book down right now.
It's up to you.
Here are three chapters from the book itself. Just a taste of what is to come in the rest of the book. Don't worry - they are very short chapters. (I've taken out Chapter 3 as it's a bit long)
Very few people will be able to believe what's in this book.
At least, at first.
That may make it one of the most unbelievable books of all time.
This book answers the most important question in human history.
What does God want?
For many people that answer will be startling.
Even for those who aren't completely surprised, the answer will be dramatically different. It will not even come close to the ideas that people usually hear about God.
Humanity's ideas about God produce humanity's ideas about life and about people. Dramatically different ideas about God will produce dramatically different ideas about life and about people. If the world could use anything right now, that's it.
We stand today on the brink of a global cultural war. The opening volleys have already been exchanged. The really major clashes, the unthinkable Future World battles, may be yet to come.
Given the direction in which humanity appears to be moving, it may seem as though this larger conflict is inevitable. It isn't. There's something very powerful that can stop it: dramatically different ideas about God and dramatically different ideas about life and about people.
Such ideas, if accepted and adopted, will produce dramatically different ways of living and being. Values will change. Priorities will change. Power structures and power holders will change.
Some of those power holders do not want any of this to happen.
That may make this not only one of the most unbelievable books of all time, but also one of the most dangerous.
Many people will simply be afraid to believe what's in this book.
A dramatically different idea is going to be presented here just 12,108 words from now. So opposed to this idea is the established order that, in some countries, if you said aloud the things that are in this book, you could be killed.
Not by an angry mob.
By the government.
You could be accused of committing a crime against the laws of the land, and sentenced to death. In other countries, while you might not be killed, you could be criticized, vilified, and ostracized. You could also be removed from any place of influence you might hold, and your views would almost certainly be marginalized.
Yes, that's how dangerous what is written here is.
Clearly, What God Wants is not unimportant information. It's so important, in fact, that the words are presented in initial caps and italic type wherever the term is used throughout this book. I wanted those words to stand out, so that they make a point in and of themselves.
You see, millions of people all over the world have been living their lives based on the information they have been given about What God Wants, and if the world's prior information on this topic is inaccurate, the world could be in big trouble.
And here's 2 reviews I found from the Internet.
"Fasten your seat belts... this truly IS a dangerous book!!!!
Or exciting... it all depends on how you look at it. This book really is the BEST book Neale has written. It's short, fast, and clear. It provides stunning answers to the biggest question humanity can formulate. What is it, that God, our maker and creator, wants from us? Do we really know? Does any one of our conflicting religions know? Yes and no. Our knowledge is simply incomplete.
To understand the answer, we must zoom out from a piece of the puzzle (a religion, for example), to the broader picture. Wanna take a ride?!? Detach yourself from your belief systems (however inclusive you think they are), open yourself up, fasten your seat belts, and get your insurance papers out before reading this book... and then read it, listen to what it says.... at the very least CONSIDER the possibility that it is true.
I guarantee you, that no matter who you are, how many similar books you have read, or how much you think you know about the answer, you will be shocked (or enlightened) by the answer. The answer to the title, in Chapter 13, may make you feel empty... or full of new life and understanding and energized to change the world for the better... "
"....mind-opening, life-altering insights in a book so vital, so urgent in its timing, and so on the nose with its provocative assertions, that I was blown away by its ferociousness... Here is a message of love not bound by any one religion, but transcendent of them all. A message that will unite us, not divide us. Never have we needed this book more."
- Book of the Month Club
So do you want to know what God wants? If yes, go get this book and read it, then let me know what you think!
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