Farrah in her younger days
In Farrah Fawcett's case, she originally had anal cancer but it spread to her liver. If you do not already know, liver is one of the most important organ in our body. Among one of the most important functions of the liver is detoxification. Liver helps to get rid of toxic materials in our body. Without a liver, we will die within days.
People suffering from liver cancer often have very slim hopes of surviving. One of the reasons is that when these people go for the conventional cancer treatment like chemotherapy, they are ingesting some of the most deadly and toxic cocktail of drugs available on this planet. Imagine how would the liver, already damaged by cancer, get rid of these poisons? Besides, these very drugs threaten to destroy the healthy liver cells too.

Image courtesy of The Life Tree
My own brother-in-law died from liver cancer too. Originally he had rectal cancer, but despite undergoing a rectal operation, the cancer managed to spread to his liver. This is why cancer is so deadly. You can cut off that part of your body which is cancerous but that may not stop it from spreading to other parts.
The standard treatment for cancers nowadays are
1) Cut (surgery)
2) Burn (radiation)
3) Poison (chemotherapy)
Now let me tell you why these conventional treatment do not work most of the time. I am no doctor, but anyone with any common sense will easily figure out why they don't help to cure cancer.
Conventional medicine views cancer as a local problem. So what you need to do to get rid of the cancer is to cut off that area with cancerous cells, or burn them out by radiation or poison them with chemical drugs.
The problem with cutting out the affected cancerous area is the cancer is inevitably made to spread. So instead of just rectal cancer, you suddenly find that after your rectal surgery to remove the cancer, you ended up with liver cancer!
Cancer is not a localised problem. This is a fact. If you have cancer of the breast, do cutting off your breast cure the cancer? Yes, temporarily. If you did not make any lifestyle changes and continue to abuse your body and your health everyday, your cancer will return. In fact, it did not go away in the first place. It was still there in your body waiting for the right time to show itself. Probably in another part of your body. That part which has the weakest link.
Radiation and chemotherapy kills off the healthy as well as the cancerous cells so it's really a matter of hoping that the cancer cells are all killed off before too many healthy cells are destroyed! In other words, the cancer patient will most likely die from the cancer or from the treatment! Either way, the cancer patient loses.
Besides, chemotherapy further suppresses an already weakened immune system, rendering the patient helpless in defending against the cancer and its secondary infections. Chemotherapy also poisons an already poisoned system, which was what caused the cancer to develop in the first place.

Image courtesy of thecancerblog.org
Of course I am not saying that there is not a single person who gets cured from cancer undergoing these conventional treatments. There are, and they are mostly those who detected their cancers in the early stages. This is also why early detection of cancer makes a huge difference.
But do you know how do the medical fraternity define someone who is "cured from cancer"? They define it as still alive for 5 years after the first treatment. I don't know, but surviving for five years can hardly be called a cure.
The problem with the current medical experts with regards to cancer is threefold.
1) They do not know the cause of cancer.
2) They do not know the cure.
3) And they do not know how to prevent it.
Yet, doctors are trained and taught to prescribe the standard conventional treatment that involves surgeries, radiation and drugs. Even though the success rate of these treatments are not encouraging to say the least!
If only the medical community would focus more on how to prevent cancer instead of concentrating on how to cure it. Then again, why would they? There's simply more money to be made from chasing cures and selling drugs than teaching lifestyle changes to prevent disease.
Consider the overly expensive drugs used to treat cancers! If medical experts were to focus on prevention, the pharmaceutical and drug companies would stand to lose millions!
My post today is not to ridicule the medical experts and the medical community. I am writing this simply to highlight my opinion on this matter. I just want people to be aware that when it comes to cancer, you do not have to rely 100 percent on your doctor. With the correct knowledge, you can in fact make informed choices and decisions. Of course, the decision is solely yours.
One thing's certain. The best way to cure cancer is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Not early detection which is of course, another way the pharmaceutical companies make more money off you! But prevention.
Knowing about The 7 Stages Of Disease will definitely help.
Note: At the time of writing, Australian scientists have developed a "Trojan Horse" therapy which uses nano technology to directly target cancer cells with chemotherapy. This technology is a breakthrough which if proven successful in human clinical trials, will have the potential to kill only cancer cells and leave the healthy cells intact.
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