Do you wear underwear? I do when I am out but not when I'm at home and definitely not when I'm sleeping! In fact, I like to be totally naked when I'm sleeping. If you think I'm weird or I'm some kind of pervert or something, let me tell you that sleeping naked is beneficial for health! Don't believe me? Just read here.
Anyway, back to the question - why do we need to wear underwear? Really, why do we? Is it necessary or can we go without it? Is it just a personal preference or are there some real reasons why we should wear them?
Maybe we are wearing them because our parents told us to? Or because that is what society expected of us? Because if we don't, we will be treated like an outcast or something?
I ended up discussing with my friend over a cup of teh tarik for over an hour why we should or should not wear underwear! Can you believe it?!

Image from
And here's what we came up with...
A man wears briefs and boxer shorts to support his thingy. A lady wears bras to support her boobs. So why do ladies wear panties? There's nothing to support there! No wonder Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears don't wear panties on their nights out! Haha! What's the point?
Well, my friend suggested that perhaps panties would be useful for ladies to prevent any messy spills during that time of the month! Hmmm...
And for guys, wearing briefs helps to prevent accidental leakage from showing on their pants! I think I have to agree. Otherwise, we have to change pants everyday and the pants will get old faster from frequent washing. Not very economical. Haha!
For the guys, I think wearing briefs is important if you do not want to suffer the consequences of your thingy getting caught in the zipper! It can be very painful. I knew because it happened to me once when I was a kid. Since that day, I always wear underwear with anything that has a zipper! Don't play play. It took me 2 weeks to fully recover from my injuries!
Of course, a good reason to wear underwear whether it's for the ladies or the guys is to prevent us from exposing ourselves in public in case we suffer from wardrobe malfunction. Not the intentional kind like Janet Jackson's case of course. Why bother to wear underwear if you plan to have a wardrobe malfunction in public, right?

Image from
Now I can't help wondering if we would be more horny without underwear. Don't you think letting your thingy frolic freely in your pants or shirt or dress will cause you some excitement? Or perhaps it would cause some excitement to those beside you? Haha! So an underwear will definitely act as a barrier to prevent unwanted excitement and attention!
Have you heard of the phrase "go commando"? No? It simply means the practice of not wearing underwear under one's outer clothing. For the guys, have you gone commando in jeans before? If you have, I am sure you would have felt very uncomfortable as your genitals suffered from irritation as a result of constant friction with the jeans. An underwear is definitely needed when we wear jeans!
In case you think I'm advocating wearing underwear, I'd just like to say that it is not the case at all. To me, whether you wear underwear or not is entirely up to you. What's more, here are 10 reasons to go commando, at least for the guys. Go watch this here.
Could you think of any more reasons why we need to wear underwear?
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