They said there is no time to eat breakfast as they tend to rush to work. Some said they just don't have the appetite to eat anything in the morning.
But breakfast is important if you want to lose weight, or if you want to keep your blood sugar stable.
Imagine not having any food or nutrient entering your body since dinner the night before! Oh, I know some of you eat supper. haha! Still, your body is deprived of food for 8 - 12 hours and if you don't eat breakfast, you will be further depriving it of nutrients for another 4 - 5 hours until lunch time!
In the meantime, your blood sugar drops drastically and your body goes into starvation mode. So what does the body do in this situation? The body, being instinctively smart, will slow down your metabolism and store your fat in an attempt to make sure you survive the hunger. In other words, skip breakfasts often enough, and you will put on weight!
Therefore, make sure you do not skip breakfast!
Anyway, that's not the point of today's post. I really just want to know what is your ideal breakfast.
For me, I actually like my breakfast to consists of a cup of hot milo or chocolate (not coffee or tea!),

Image courtesy of
two half boiled eggs topped with soya sauce and pepper...

Photo courtesy of Singapura Daily Photo
....and a few slices of bread or toast with thick kaya and butter! Hmmm....yummy!

Photo courtesy of Singapura Daily Photo
That's my ideal breakfast. No need nasi lemak, coffee, roti canai, McBreakfast and what nots!
But in reality, what do I eat for breakfasts everyday? Believe it or not - it's nothing but fruits, fruits and fruits!
Like jackfruit (nangka),
dragon fruits,

Image courtesy of

Image courtesy of

Image courtesy of My Asian Kitchen

Image courtesy of Simply Craving

Image courtesy of Shine from Yahoo
star fruits,

Image courtesy of Enjoy Thai Food

Image courtesy of Herbal Blog
Well, you get the idea!
Why do I eat fruits for breakfast? Isn't it weird?
I started this 'eating fruits for breakfast' routine more than 8 years ago. Here are my reasons...
1. I learnt that fruits are the most nutrient densed of all foods! Since my body is deprived of nutrients for almost 12 hours since dinner the night before, I would need to replenish them. So what better way than to eat nutrient densed food like fruits?
2. I also learnt that fruits are best consumed on an empty stomach. This is because fruits are the most easily digested food in nature. If you eat fruits following a heavy meal, the fruits will not be able to pass into the intestines from the stomach because they are prevented from doing so by the other food that are harder to digest. The fruits will then rot in the stomach, and ferment with the other food resulting in bloating, wind and indigestion.
No wonder I don't feel good when I eat fruits for dessert after a meal! That's the wrong way of eating fruits! Fruits should be made the appetiser, not the dessert!
3. Do you know we need to take in at least 25 g of fibre daily? That's like eating 12-15 apples a day! Well, when I eat fruits for breakfast, I can ensure that I will fulfill my daily fibre requirement. Of course, my fibre intake also comes from vegetables and not solely from fruits.
4. Lastly, fruits are known to be detoxifying. Meaning, they help to cleanse our internal body from accumulated toxins. So eating fruits first thing in the morning will help to detoxify our body and encourage us to pass out those toxins in the form of stools.
The bottom line is, fruits are good for us and we need to eat lots of them! However, we normally don't eat enough because after eating breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner, we have no space left for fruits! If you were to follow the rule of eating fruits on an empty stomach, it is even harder to eat lots of fruits! So to me, the best time to eat fruits on an empty stomach is during breakfast!
Oops! As usual, I have gone way off topic! Looking back at the title of my post, I am supposed to ask what is your ideal breakfast! Haha!
Although I eat fruits for breakfast everyday, I do occasionally indulge in my favourite half boiled eggs, bread with kaya and butter and a cup of hot Milo or hot chocolate.
What about you? Do share with me what you normally eat for breakfast everyday and what is your ideal breakfast food.
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