If you live or work in KL, you will understand what KLites need to go through everyday. It's more torturous than a day spent in Abu Ghraib prison. Ok, maybe not, but it's torture all the same.
Fortunately for me, I don't really live or work in KL. But sometimes when I need to go KL and happen to pick the wrong time to go, you can bet your last dollar that I always end up in a humongous traffic jam. How I wish my car could fly then!
Imagine if one day, we don't need to drive. Oh, I know some of you don't drive and some of you sit the train or LRT. Still, what if I could just say "Beam me up, Scotty!" and the very next instant, I would be beamed up and within seconds, land at my destination? Wouldn't that be great?

Image courtesy of jimis-cyberstore
Just imagine if we have this Star Trek technology, we would never have to endure traffic jams ever again! There would be no need for cars. No need for roads and expensive highways. And yes, no need to pay tolls too! Hooray!!
With no cars on the road, our air would be so clean. Isn't it nice to breathe in fresh air every single day? Car companies would cease to exist. Petroleum companies would need to close down. No more BMW, Mercedes Benz, Toyota or Honda. No more Petronas or Shell. Which is quite a shame, isn't it? Wonder how will Malaysia survive then?
And of course we would not be hearing the so often heard tagline "Now everyone can fly!" anymore. Why would we? There is no need to fly anymore. Planes would simply cease to exist. AirAsia is history. KLIA would just be a deserted, white elephant.

Talking about Star Trek, have you seen the new Star Trek movie?
With the touch of a button, Scotty would beam us to any country in the world. We would arrive at our destination within seconds! No more long, tiring journeys and jetlags.
There is no need for manual checking of passports. Which means no queues. Hassle free travel is the order of the day. We will only be beamed up after the automatic system checks our details and gives its approval. That can be done within seconds.
But if you think you can travel for free, think again. You still need to pay, of course. There's no free lunch in this world even with such an advanced technology! If you choose not to pay, the system would just reject you! Or if you are a criminal and think you can escape to another country to avoid being arrested, the system would ban you from traveling once your name is blacklisted by the Government or the authorities.
Now no matter how advanced a technology is, there will still be some imperfections. Some flaws, if you will. Although this "beam me up" technology is considered the safest way to travel, there will still be a 0.001 percent chance that you would not arrive safely at the destination of your choice.
What I mean is, you just never get to reach your destination. Because in the process of being beamed up, you are accidently burnt. Or to put it less mildly, cooked. That's the risk you would have to take, but it's such a small risk, your chances of striking the lottery or being hit by lightning is probably higher.
OK, if you have been reading up to here, you must be thinking what the heck am I crapping about, so I guess it's time for me to wake up. And come back to reality.
Beam me up, Scotty? I must be nuts! Have a good weekend, everyone! : )
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