If you are forced to give up one, which would you give up first?
According to the latest Reader's Digest global survey, 11 out of 15 countries say they would turn off the TV before they would silence their mobile phone or log off the internet.

Surprisingly, China leads the pack with the most respondents saying they rather turn off the TV than their mobile phone or computer. Possibly the Chinese people are more into online TV nowadays? Singapore takes second place, while Italy is third.

Interestingly, Brazil is the only country that choose to give up the Internet and by a huge margin too. Brazil has some of the lowest rates of Internet users in the world with just 35 users per 100 people compared to USA which has 72. This could be due to the high cost of hooking up to the Internet in Brazil which is about $26 a month compared with just $7.40 in Germany.

As for giving up the mobile phone, Canada tops the list as Canadians pay some of the highest rates for their mobile phone plans. Germany comes in second, followed closely by UK in third place.
As for me, I think it will be a very tough decision to make. The fact is, I cannot survive without all three!
I have to say that my mobile phone is an essential item to me. I would feel lost if I don't have my mobile phone with me when I am away from home. If I ever leave my house and forget to take my mobile phone, I would drive all the way back home to get it. So yes, I cannot live without my mobile phone!
That leaves me with either the TV or the Internet. Well, as you all know I love to blog! Blogging is my passion. And there are so many other things I can do online like chatting, watching YouTube videos, surfing the net and playing games (though I seldom play games) I just don't think I am ready to give all these up!
So I guess it will have to be the TV. Besides, I don't have much time for TV. And some of the TV shows can be watched online anyway. Oh, I would miss my favourite Hong Kong TVB series, but I can easily rent or buy the DVDs and play them on my computer.
So, yes! If I am forced to choose, I will definitely give up TV!
What about you?
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