Well, she did not exactly name it as swine flu or H1N1 but she did warn us about the danger of sickness and epidemic. Read my report here.
What is happening currently is actually worse than an epidemic. It's already termed a pandemic by WHO. In case you don't know the difference between epidemic and pandemic, read here.
In Malaysia, the number of H1N1 cases continue to rise. Fortunately, this flu is not deadly otherwise we would be in a state of panic. However, elderly people and those with poor immune system must be extra cautious during these times.
I hate getting the flu - any types of flu. And I hate getting colds too. Don't know the difference between cold and flu? Check that out here.
The reason I hate the colds and the flu is I will almost always end up with fever, headaches, stomach upsets, sore throats, cough, breathlessness, nose blocks, and to top it all, anxiety. I don't know how some people can have colds or flu and still go about their daily job as if they are not sick. I can't do that! I have to be in bed and simply cannot function properly.
That is why I do everything possible to avoid getting the flu and cold virus! So if you happen to hate the flu and colds as much as me, then let me introduce you my personal top 10 ways to beat those pesky bugs! (Warning : Some of my methods are pretty extreme!)
1. Wash your hands
Contrary to popular belief, the flu and cold virus spread easier through touch than by air. So all this practice of wearing masks to prevent getting the H1N1 may not be truly effective.
Do you know a flu virus can survive outside the human body for up to 48 hours? So when a flu infected person touches the door knob with his hands and you happen to touch that same door knob within 48 hours, and then touch your eyes or nose with your hand, you will very likely get infected!
The viruses normally enters your body via your eyes and nose, so if you think you have touched an infected object, wash your hands as soon as possible! If you do not have access to water for some reason, avoid rubbing your eyes and touching your nose with your hands and you will prevent the virus from entering your body.
Now you can see why the H1N1 virus can spread so easily? Everything you touch is a risk! Whether it's the book at the bookshop, the buttons inside the lift, the computer keyboard at the internet cafe, the equipments in the gym, the hand railings in the bus and LRT, or those banknotes or cash you just received! In fact, your wallet or purse may be the most virus laden object you have in your possession!
So, make washing hands a habit. Don't know the right way to wash hands? No problem, read here.

Image courtesy of E.Excel
2. Carry a hand sanitizer
Just in case you do not have access to soap and water for some reason, a hand sanitizer will save the day! Most hand sanitizers contain alcohol in them to kill germs, so it's a good idea to have one with you by your side at all times!
I have one in my car and another one at the place I work. I don't keep one in my house though, as I can normally get to wash my hands with water at home.
3. Use knuckles or wrist to rub your eyes and nose
What happens if your eyes and nose are really itchy and you are dying to rub them, but you think you have just shook hands with a person who had flu? And there is no washroom anywhere near you to wash your hands?
Well, let me teach you this tip. Instead of using your fingers to rub your eyes or nose, use your knuckles or your wrist instead! Your knuckles and wrist are less likely to be contaminated with virus than your fingertips!
The average person rubs his or her eyes and nose at least 20 times a day, so this tip can come in very handy!

Image courtesy of USANA
4. Double the intake of your supplements
At the first sign of cold or flu, double the intake of your health supplements. Any good quality and safe supplements that are beneficial in strengthening the immune system are helpful in fighting your cold and flu. This means, do not follow the recommended dosage on your supplements but exceed them!
Do not be afraid to overload your body with these health supplements as you are doing this only for a few days and not over a prolonged period of time. When you are sick, the rate your body uses up the vitamins and minerals are much faster, hence you would need to double your intake of these supplements.
From my own experience, pumping my body with these health supplements have stopped the cold or flu from progressing most of the time. Coupled this with lots of sleep and rest, and your cold and flu will not even have the chance to develop! In any case, taking health supplements are much better than taking drugs to suppress the cold and flu.
5. Stop breathing for a minute
When someone with cold or flu sneezes and you happen to be in the same room with him or her, what do you do? Of course wearing a mask helps, but what if you are not wearing one? Are you going to run out of the room? Well, that depends how fast you run because the flu viruses can travel up to 90 miles per hour from a sneeze! Of course, it also matters whether you are running towards or away from the viruses, that is, if you can see them. Haha!
My best strategy when faced with situation like this is to just stop breathing. That's right! Stop breathing for a minute and let the viruses disperse. Maybe during that one minute, you can try walking slowly out of the room so that you don't look like you are running away like a mad person.
The next best strategy is to place a stand fan directly in front of you facing the offender so that the wind will blow away all the viruses that comes your way! Haha!

Image courtesy of eHow
6. Exercise moderately
People who exercise have better immune system and are therefore, less likely to get the flu and cold. A minimum 3 times weekly for about 30 minutes each time is recommended. Exercise also helps to take away stress, which suppress the immune system.
However, be careful not to over exercise as doing this also lowers your immune system. I have to admit I sometimes fall sick after straining myself too much in the gym. So take it easy and don't be like me!
Of course, if you are sick with flu or cold, avoid the gym altogether. Your body's immune system is already working hard to fight the flu viruses and you don't need to weaken it any further with a strenuous workout at the gym! Besides, be considerate and not spread your germs around to others!
7. Use paper towels in public toilets
Normally, after using the public toilet, you need to open the door to walk out, right? Now some people do not wash their hands after using the toilet and guess what? Every one of them touches the door handle on their way out!
So what do I normally do in such a case? Well, I will take the paper towel or tissue provided and wrap it round the door knob or handle to open the door. The paper towel or tissue act as a barrier between my hand and the handle. Just make sure you throw away the paper towel afterwards!
Of course a better way is to choose a toilet with no doors or with doors that are left open all the time.

Image courtesy of worktop4u
8. Do not touch the tap
When you wash your hands, you need to turn the tap for the water to flow out right? Since most people touch that tap to wash their dirty hands, you can be sure it is full of germs! It's OK to turn the tap before washing your hands, but after washing and your hands are clean, you don't want to be touching that tap again to turn it off. So what do you do?
Well, for me, I will gather some water in my left hand first, then after turning off the tap with my right hand, I will use the water I gathered in my left hand to rinse my right hand!
But an even better solution is simply choose a washroom which uses automatic "no touch" taps. Like the ones you find in the washrooms at The Gardens Mall (which by the way is my favourite public washroom in a shopping mall) where you just need to place your hands close to the water outlet and the automatic sensor will activate the water to flow out to your hands.
9. Take probiotics instead of antibiotics
Many people who are down with flu and sore throat always pressure their doctors for antibiotics. However, this is a wrong move as colds and flu are caused by viruses. Antibiotics only kill bacterias, not viruses. And even worse, antibiotics kill off the friendly bacteria that is part of our healthy immune system.
Instead of antibiotics, take probiotics. Probiotics help promote growth of friendly bacteria which in turn help to strengthen our immune system to fight the cold and flu.
10. Massage your neck and hands
At the first sign of cold or flu, massage the back of your neck by placing both hands against the bony part just behind your ears and rub your palms back and forth about 30 times. This is an acupressure technique that can help avert a cold or flu!

Image courtesy of rhizome.net
Another acupressure technique you can use is apply pressure to the fleshy web between the thumb and index finger of your hand. Press towards the bone at the base of your index finger for several seconds until it aches. Repeat on each hand several times. (Caution : Do not do this acupressure exercise if you are pregnant)
So there you are! My personal top 10 ways to beat the cold and flu. Now, maybe some of you may think that my tips border on the extreme, but with the H1N1 virus spreading around like nobody's business, an extreme situation like this definitely calls for extreme measures!
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