Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Trip To Longji Rice Terraces (Part 4)

Continued from Part 3

When we came back from viewing the sunset at Platform No. 3, it was already dark. After shower, my two friends and I were ready for dinner. You bet we were hungry after all that climb!

This was what we had for dinner.

Stewed home grown chicken.

Fried eggs

A big bowl of soup!

We did not have normal white rice but we ordered their special bamboo stick rice. This is actually glutinous rice cooked in bamboo sticks, somewhat similar to the lemang we have back home.

Sorry could not take very good photos as it was dark! We were dining outside the hotel at the front balcony and there was not much light.

I enjoyed the bamboo rice very much.

Did you notice that cup of white liquid in the photo above? That's the local glutinous rice wine which we tried earlier in the afternoon. For this dinner, we drank the wine to our satisfaction. It was sweet and refreshing, and felt so smooth on my throat. How I wished we could take a few bottles of this home made wine with us when we leave Longji!

As we were eating our dinner, we wondered how come there were no men in the hotel we were staying? So far we had only seen females. Where were all the males? Besides, what was funny was that everyone here seems to have the same surname! What did it all mean?

This soon became our topic of conversation for the night. Perhaps we were going to end up as victims that night. What victims? Jam jokingly advised us to lock our doors when we sleep at night just in case. Hahaha!!! Ok, crappy jokes. And if you don't get it, never mind : )

Now just for your information, I learnt that all the villagers here have one common surname which is Pan (潘). In fact, marriages were common among same surnames so long that they were not close relatives.

As for why there were hardly any men in the place we stayed, I have absolutely no answer to that!

Coming up in Part 5 : Sunrise at Jinkeng Rice Terraces


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