Thursday, April 2, 2009

Top 5 Things That Irritate The Hell Out Of Me

I'm a nice person. Really.

But I'm a human too and there are things that just irritate the hell out of me! So, if you don't mind, let me share with you what they are.

OK, I'll just mention 5 most irritating things cos I don't want to irritate the hell out of you by mentioning 20. LOL!

So here are my Top 5 in no particular order....

1. Slow Internet Connection
I don't know about you but I think Streamyx broadband sucks. I have complained about this before last year (read here) and I think the problem remains. Sometimes the connection is so slow it reminds me of my dial-up Jaring days. Fortunately, it does not happen all the time, or else I will quit blogging!

Have you ever tried calling them? Try it! You will then know not only their internet connection sucks, their customer service sucks even more! Honestly, I think the Government should stop protecting them and give them the monopoly.

Please take a look at our neighbouring country Singapore. I'm so ashamed compared to them! OK, Singapore may be a small country but if Malaysia want to be a developed country by 2020, then I think it should really buck up especially where broadband connection is concerned.

2. Hot, Humid Weather
The last few days were really, really hot! You can even feel the burning sensation on your skin when you go out into the sun. It's that hot! But what makes it worse is Malaysia's humid weather. The equation goes like this:

Hot + Humid = Irritation

Now, I am a person who sweat a lot and easily too! So imagine what happens when it's hot and humid. My sweat does not get evaporated and it sticks to me like a magnet. I end up being sweaty and sticky all day long! Now if you want me to rate how uncomfortable that is, with 1 as most comfortable and 10 as most uncomfortable, I'll give it a 11!

I have tried taking frequent baths but that does not help at all! The minute I step out of the bathroom, I get all sweaty again! The only way is to switch on the air conditioner. Now that is bliss! Sorry to fans of Earth Hour, but I have to say the air conditioner is the single most important invention in human history! No wonder I like to "lepak" in shopping malls to enjoy the free air conditioning. Haha!

Of course there's an advantage to this hot humid weather. It makes you look younger. I'm not joking.

You know why we Malaysians look younger compared to Westerners of the same age? It's because the humid air here provides natural moisturising for our skin. Our skin don't get wrinkled as fast as those who stay in countries with dry weather.

This is one reason why you should not stay too long in air conditioned rooms because the air inside the room will be dry. But you can bet that this will not stop me from staying in one!

3. Traffic Jams
Anyone who likes being trapped in a massive traffic jam on the road, please hands up! I hate traffic jams! I will do everything and go all out to avoid them.

Traffic jams not only waste my time, they increase my car's petrol consumption, wear and tear and not to mention my blood pressure as well! I don't mind choosing an alternative jam-free road which is two or three times longer. It is easier on my car and at least wasting my petrol this way is more worth it!

Also, I sometimes rather pay toll than queuing at the alternative, toll free roads. What's the point of queuing when you lose more from increased petrol consumption? And don't forget, time is money! I'm not supporting tolls here, but I'm just saying, either way you still lose, so might as well pay the toll!

4. Long Queues
I dislike queues! Any kind of queues whether it is queuing at the post office, or the cinema ticket counters, or at the immigration department. And don't even mention about queuing at restaurants. Especially when I am hungry!

I will always avoid queues like the plague. So you won't see me queuing up to buy tickets for a cinema show. I rather booked it online and collect the tickets before the show. If I see a queue at a restaurant, you can be sure I will give it a pass no matter how good their food is!

5. Flu and Sore Throat
I dread the flu and I hate sore throat! And the combination of flu and sore throat just irritate the hell out of me!

I don't know how some people can have flu and sore throat and still be able to act as if they are not sick. I don't think I am able to do that. You see, when I am down with the flu, I not only suffer from blocked nose or runny nose (it's usually one or the other or both!), but also a plethora of other things from hell like sore throat, fever, headaches, stomach upset, nausea, anxiety and difficulty in breathing.

As such, I will do my utmost to prevent myself getting flu and sore throat. That includes not getting too close to people who are having the flu! So if you have the flu, please excuse me if I don't wish to meet up with you or even visit you! I'm not being rude here, I'm just being smart! Haha!

Well, there you have it! My Top 5 most irritating things. How about you? What are the 5 things that irritate the hell out of you?


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