Monday, February 16, 2009

You Are Tagged!

I have said this once and I will say it again. I am not a big fan of tags and memes. In fact, I am NOT a fan at all, not even a bit.

But don't get me wrong. I don't HATE tags and memes. I just don't like them. There's a big gap between "hate" and "don't like", so just you know.

So what do I do when I get tagged by other bloggers? I thank them, that's what I do. No, I am not being sarcastic. As much as I don't like tags, I thank them from the bottom of my heart, because they remember me enough to want to tag me. So to all you bloggers out there, please don't tag me, but if you must, thank you!

Now I was tagged by two bloggers last year and I delayed until this year to do the tags! One reason I delayed doing this is because I was lazy. The other reason is because I was reluctant to select my "victims" if you know what I mean. But what to do, you receive the tags, you gotta pay them forward, right? Haha!

So here they are....

The ABC Tag
I was tagged by Monica for this meme and here are my answers! Please don't take my answers seriously. They are meant to be entertaining!

A. Attached or single? Attached, but available : )

B. Best Friend? I have so many best friends if I list them here, it'll take you an hour to read them all!

C. Cake or Pie? For eating, it's a cake. For throwing at someone's face, it's a cake too.

D. Day of choice? Holi-day!

E. Essential Item? My handphone - cannot survive without it! It's No.1 on my essential item list. My No.2 is the air I breathe.

F. Favorite color? Blue, like the background colour of my blog.

G. Gummy bears or worms? Neither, but if forced to choose, it's gummy bears of course!

H. Hometown? PJ which stands for Petaling Jaya, not Putra Jaya.

I. Favorite Indulgence? Massage, masturbation and sleep, though not necessarily in that order.

J. January or July? Both, but prefer December most during the Christmas season.

K. Kids? None legally or illegally.

L. Life isn't complete without? My blog and you guys who are reading this! : )

M. Marriage date? You mean I have to get a date on my wedding day? Cool!

N. Number of magazine subscriptions. Used to be 10, now reduced to 3 when I realised I could actually open a magazine shop selling second hand magazines!

O. Oranges or Apples? Do you mean my girlfriends or the fruits? The answer is both for both.

P. Phobias? I used to be afraid of heights, then I discovered I hate deep waters, now I realise I can't stand small enclosed areas! I think I also have a phobia of discovering what's my other phobias.

Q. Quotes? There's a first time for everything, and BLOGGING is no different! (quoted and copyrighted by Foongpc)

R. Reasons to smile? No reason not to. I smile everyday, so please smile with me! : )

S. Season Of Choice? Christmas season and any holiday season!

T. Tag five people. Rad Sujanto, Jim Long, Babette, Molly, TZ

U. Unknown fact about me? I don't like American football!

V. Vegetable? All vegetables!

W. Worst Habit? Like to follow Malaysian rubber time (meaning flexible and usually fashionably late ie. plus 2hours, minus 10 minutes)

X. X Ray or Ultrasound? Neither!

Y. Your favorite foods? Too many to list here! But I like Chinese, Japanese, Western, Malay and Indian food!

Z. Zodiac sign? Sagittarius

Now that you know my ABC's, let's go to the next tag which is .....

The Have You Ever Tag
Special thanks to Mariuca for this fun and easy tag! : )

1. Have you ever been on TV?
I don't know - I don't watch enough TV to catch myself on it!

2. Have you ever sung in public?
Yes - it was for a small concert and I was nervous as hell mostly because I was afraid I would forget my lyrics!

3. Have you ever dyed your hair blond?
Slightly blond yes

4. Have you ever eaten frogs' legs?
Yes but why stop at the legs?

5. Have you ever received a present that you really hated?
Hate is too strong a word, dislike yes - plenty! Prefer to receive cash, angpows or vouchers!

6. Have you ever walked into a lamp post?
Of course not! It was the lamp post that walked into me!

7. Have you ever cooked a meal by yourself for more than 15 people?
Yes, I remember it well because after that, everyone left without eating the food.

8. Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others?
Yes, and I'll do it again if you pay me RM100.

9. Have you ever done volunteer work?
Yes, I did this tag voluntarily : )

I am tagging the following 5 people. Josephine, Shionge, Medie007, Neo, Eiling

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